[this post is available online at https://s.apache.org/snobd ]

by Wei Zhou

I joined the Apache CloudStack community in 2012 and became a committer in 
2013, eventually becoming a PMC (Project Management Committee) member in 2017. 
My journey to becoming a PMC was both physical and literal, and included 
several forks in the road. The forks presented themselves in all aspects of my 
journey – although the literal forks came later, mainly because my journey 
began in China.

In 2010 I was working at China Mobile, the world's largest mobile network 
operator, in Beijing as the manager of a cloud project based on OpenNebula 
(another Open Source project). A year later, my partner received her PhD in the 
Netherlands and began working in Belgium, so I started looking for new work 
opportunities in the area. 

In 2012 I visited Europe and had a few interviews, but it was difficult at the 
time as my English was quite poor.

I was committed to finding a good job and moving to Europe, which meant I 
needed to improve my English quickly. I studied the language, left China 
Mobile, and moved to Belgium permanently. It took me seven months to became 
fluent in English. I re-interviewed at the companies that had rejected me seven 
months prior and landed a position in Amsterdam at Leaseweb as a Cloud 
Innovation Engineer. At that time, we had two public cloud platforms based on 
Apache CloudStack. I was mainly working on the research of Apache CloudStack.

In the first two months I fixed some bugs we found in our productions. Thanks 
to the CloudStack community, I also received tons of help as I began 
contributing my changes to the mainstream. In 2013 was invited to be a 
committer, 3 months after my first submission. It was a huge surprise and a 
massive honor for me, and I began pushing my changes for new features and bug 
fixes much more quickly.

A year later, in 2014, Leaseweb released its first private cloud based on 
Apache CloudStack. It was very welcomed by many customers. As this was 
happening, we began finding issues with CloudStack as customers were requesting 
more features and functionalities. The same year, Apache CloudStack moved code 
repositories to GitHub.com and started using GitHub pull quests to review and 
merge commits. While all commits should be reviewed and approved by other 
commits before they are merged into the mainstream, we had already made many 
changes at Leaseweb and could not wait for next release. Because of this we 
created our own fork containing all our changes and bug fixes. 

We developed very quickly, and our process was much faster than the 
review/merge process of Apache CloudStack. The gap between our fork and the 
community was getting bigger and bigger. When we decided to upgrade from 
CloudStack 4.2.1 to CloudStack 4.7.1, we had to spend half of a year just to 
port all of our changes in our fork based on CloudStack 4.2.1 to new fork based 
on CloudStack 4.7.1. The same problem happened again when we tried to upgrade 
to CloudStack 4.14, and we had to spend around one year to port all of our 
changes. The lesson we learned from these two upgrades was that we needed to 
contribute more to the community and maintain a fork as small as possible. 
After realizing this, we contributed all of our features and bug fixes to the 
community by creating many GitHub PRs. Some PRs have now already been merged 
into mainstream, while others are still in review.

My colleague recently asked me, “If you could go back in time, would you still 
make the Leaseweb fork?” My answer is yes, I would do it again. A fork makes us 
more flexible, as we can offer more stable production and more functionalities 
to our customers. However, if I could go back in time, I would have spent much 
more time contributing our changes to the community. I’ve learned that the gap 
between the fork and the community should be less than 100 commits.

We learned so much from these two painstakingly long ports and have implemented 
the above advice. From now on, the Leaseweb fork only contains features we have 
developed in the past and bug fixes. For new features, we will always 
contribute to community and deploy to our production only if it is merged into 
the mainstream. By doing this, we will be able to upgrade to the next 
CloudStack release much easier, and will benefit more from the community (e.g., 
more bug fixes, more features by other contributors). When we contribute to the 
community, we also benefit from knowledge sharing and the contributions from 

Wei Zhou has been an Apache committer since 2013 and a PMC member since 2017. 
He has a Masters in Computer Applied Technology from the University of Science 
and Technology of China, and a PHD in Computer Organization and Architecture 
from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wei 
specializes in all things computers and has over 10 years of experience in 
software development. He is Principal Cloud Engineer at Leaseweb.

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