[this announcement is available online at 
https://s.apache.org/FY2020AnnualReport-PR ]

World's largest Open Source foundation provides 227M+ lines of code, valued at 
more than $20B, to the public-at-large at 100% no cost.

Wakefield, MA —29 July 2020— The Apache® Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today the availability of the annual report 
for its 2020 fiscal year (1 May 2019 - 30 April 2020).

Now in its 21st year, the world's largest Open Source foundation’s "Apache Way" 
of community-driven development is the proven process behind thousands of 
developers successfully collaborating on hundreds of Apache projects. The 
Apache Way has directly influenced the InnerSource methodology of applying Open 
Source and open development principles to an organization. The Apache Way has 
been adopted by countless organizations, including Capital One, Comcast, 
Ericsson, HP, IBM, Google, Microsoft, PayPal, SAP, T-Mobile, Walmart, and 
countless others.

Valued at more than $20B —and provided to the public-at-large at 100% no cost— 
Apache software is used in every Internet-connected country on the planet.

Apache software comprises 227M+ lines of code, is integral to nearly every end 
user computing device, manages exabytes of data, executes teraflops of 
operations, and stores billions of objects in virtually every industry. 
Countless mission-critical projects in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, build 
management, Cloud Computing, content management, DevOps, Deep Learning, IoT and 
Edge computing, mobile, servers, Web frameworks, and many other categories are 
powered by Apache. [Learn more about the ASF’s reach and influence at 
https://s.apache.org/ApacheEverywhere ]

Every Apache Top-Level Project (and its sub-projects, if applicable) is 
overseen by a Project Management Committee (PMC) that guides its day-to-day 
operations, including community development and product releases.

At the close of FY2020, 201 PMCs managed 339 Top-Level Projects and dozens of 
sub-projects; 9 projects were newly-graduated Top-Level Projects from the 
Apache Incubator, and 8 projects retired to the Apache Attic. Apache Incubator 
PMCs mentored 45 projects under development in the Apache Incubator; 6 projects 
were new entrants to the Incubator, and 3 were retired.

FY2020 highlights include:

 - ~8M lines of Apache code added, valued at approximately $600M worth of work; 
total code value exceeding $20B (CoCoMo model)
 - Stewardship of 227M+ lines of code in the Apache repositories;
 - Foundation operations supported by contributions from 10 Platinum Sponsors, 
9 Gold Sponsors, 11 Silver Sponsors, 25 Bronze Sponsors, 6 Platinum Targeted 
Sponsors, 5 Gold Targeted Sponsors, 3 Silver Targeted Sponsors, 10 Bronze 
Targeted Sponsors, and more than 500 individual donors;
 - 34 new individual ASF Members elected, totalling 813;
 - Exceeded 7,700 code Committers;
 - 206 Top-Level communities overseeing 339+ Apache projects, plus dozens of 
sub-projects and initiatives;
 - 9 newly-graduated Top-Level Projects from the Apache Incubator;
 - 45 projects currently undergoing development in the Apache Incubator;
 - Web requests received from every Internet-connected country on the planet;
 - 35M+ page views per week across apache.org;
 - ~2 Petabytes source code downloads from Apache mirrors;
 - Top 5 most active/visited Apache projects: Kafka, Hadoop, Lucene, POI, 
 - Top 5 Apache repositories by number of commits: Camel, Flink, Beam, HBase, 
Lucene Solr;
 - Top 5 Apache repositories by lines of code: NetBeans, OpenOffice, Flex 
(combined), Mynewt (combined), Trafodion;
 - 2,892 Committers changed 60,132,710 lines of code over 174,889 commits;
 - 12,413 people created 63,172 new issues; 2,868 people closed 54,633 issues
 - 19,396 authors sent 2,137,560 emails on 907,870 topics across 1,417 mailing 
 - Top 5 most active mailing lists (user@ + dev@): Flink, Tomcat, Royale, Beam, 
Lucene Solr;
 - Top Senders: (Apache Projects + Committers): GitBox, AsterixDB, Whimsy, 
Andrea Cosentino, Mark Thomas
 - 2,045 git repositories, containing ~250GB of code and repository history;
 - GitHub traffic: Top 5 most active Apache sources --clones: Thrift, Beam, 
Cordova, Arrow, Geode;
 - GitHub traffic: Top 5 most active Apache sources --visits: Spark, Flink, 
Camel, Kafka, Beam;
 - 25th anniversary of the Apache HTTP Server (21 years under the ASF umbrella);
 - 748 Individual Contributor License Agreements (ICLAs) signed;
 - 33 Corporate Contributor License Agreements signed;
 - 40 Software Grant Agreements signed; and
 - ASF was a mentoring organization in Google Summer of Code for the 15th 
consecutive year.

The full report is available online at https://s.apache.org/FY2020AnnualReport

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is the world’s 
largest Open Source foundation, stewarding 227M+ lines of code and providing 
more than $20B+ worth of software to the public at 100% no cost. The ASF’s 
all-volunteer community grew from 21 original founders overseeing the Apache 
HTTP Server to 813 individual Members and 206 Project Management Committees who 
successfully lead 350+ Apache projects and initiatives in collaboration with 
7,800+ Committers through the ASF’s meritocratic process known as "The Apache 
Way". Apache software is integral to nearly every end user computing device, 
from laptops to tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and 
mission-critical applications. Apache projects power most of the Internet, 
manage exabytes of data, execute teraflops of operations, and store billions of 
objects in virtually every industry. The commercially-friendly and permissive 
Apache License v2 is an Open Source industry standard, helping launch billion 
dollar corporations and benefiting countless users worldwide. The ASF is a US 
501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Amazon Web 
Services, Anonymous, ARM, Baidu, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, 
Cloudera, Comcast, Facebook, Google, Handshake, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Inspur, 
Leaseweb, Pineapple Fund, Private Internet Access, Red Hat, Target, Tencent, 
Union Investment, Verizon Media, and Workday. For more information, visit 
http://apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/TheASF 

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "Arrow", "Apache Arrow", 
"AsterixDB", "Apache AsterixDB", "Beam", "Apache Beam", "Camel", "Apache 
Camel", "Cordova", "Apache Cordova", "Flex", "Apache Flex", "Flink", "Apache 
Flink", "Geode", "Apache Geode", "Apache GitBox", "Hadoop", "Apache Hadoop", 
"HBase", "Apache HBase", "Apache HTTP Server", "Ignite", "Apache Ignite", 
"Kafka", "Apache Kafka", "Lucene Solr", "Apache Lucene Solr", "Mynewt", "Apache 
Mynewt", "NetBeans", "Apache NetBeans", "OpenOffice", "Apache OpenOffice", 
"POI", "Apache POI", "Royale", "Apache Royale", "Spark", "Apache Spark", 
"Thrift", "Apache Thrift", "Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat", "Trafodion", "Apache 
Trafodion", "Whimsy", "Apache Whimsy", "ZooKeeper", "Apache ZooKeeper", and 
"ApacheCon" are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software 
Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and 
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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