[this announcement is available online at 
https://s.apache.org/ASF20thAnniversary ]

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, 
and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives, announced 
today its 20th Anniversary, celebrating "The Apache Way" of community-driven 
development as the key to its success.

The world's largest Open Source foundation is home to dozens of 
freely-available (no cost), enterprise-grade Apache projects that serve as the 
backbone for some of the most visible and widely used applications. The 
ubiquity of Apache software is undeniable, with Apache projects managing 
exabytes of data, executing teraflops of operations, and storing billions of 
objects in virtually every industry. Apache software is an integral part of 
nearly every end user computing device, from laptops to tablets to phones.

"What started before the term 'Open Source' was coined has now grown to support 
hundreds of projects, thousands of contributors and millions of users," said 
Phil Steitz, Chairman of The Apache Software Foundation. "The Apache Way has 
shown itself to be incredibly resilient in the wake of the many changes in 
software and technology over the last twenty years. As the business and 
technology ecosystems around our projects have grown, our community-based open 
development model has evolved but remained true to the core principles 
established in the early days of the Foundation. We remain committed to the 
simple idea that open, community-led development produces great software and 
when you make that software freely available with no restrictions on how it can 
be used or integrated, the communities that develop it get stronger. The 
resulting virtuous cycle has been profoundly impactful on the software industry 
as a whole and on those of us who have had the good fortune of volunteering 
here. When we celebrate fifty years, I am sure that we will say the same thing."

["ASF at 20" promo https://s.apache.org/ASF20 ]

Software for the Public Good
In 1999, 21 founders, including original members of the Apache Group (creators 
of the Apache HTTP Server; the World's most popular Web server since 1996) 
formed The Apache Software Foundation to provide software for the public good. 
The ASF's flagship project, the Apache HTTP Server, continues development under 
the auspices of the ASF, and has grown to serve more than 80 million Websites 

"The most successful revolutions are those birthed by Passion and Necessity. 
What keeps them going are Communities," said ASF co-founder Jim Jagielski. 
"Congratulations to the ASF and to everyone who has had a hand, large and 
small, in making it into who and what we are today."

The Apache Way
The open, community-driven process behind the development of the Apache HTTP 
Server formed the model adopted by future Apache projects as well as emulated 
by other Open Source foundations. Dubbed "The Apache Way", the principles 
underlying the ASF embrace:

Earned Authority: all individuals are given the opportunity to participate, and 
their influence is based on publicly-earned merit – what they contribute to the 
community. Merit lies with the individual, does not expire, is not influenced 
by employment status or employer, and is non-transferable.

Community of Peers: participation at the ASF is done through individuals, not 
organizations. Its flat structure dictates that the Apache community is 
respectful of each other, roles are equal, votes hold equal weight, and 
contributors are doing so on a volunteer basis (even if paid to work on Apache 

Open Communications: as a virtual organization, the ASF requires all 
communications be made online, via email. Most Apache lists are archived and 
publicly accessible to ensure asynchronous collaboration, as required by a 
globally-distributed community

Consensus Decision Making: Apache Projects are auto-governing with a heavy 
slant towards driving consensus to maintain momentum and productivity. Whilst 
total consensus is not possible to establish at all times, holding a vote or 
other coordination may be required to help remove any blocks with binding 

Responsible Oversight: the ASF governance model is based on trust and delegated 
oversight, with self-governing projects providing reports directly to the 
Board. Apache Committers help each other by making peer-reviewed commits, 
employing mandatory security measures, ensuring license compliance, and 
protecting the Apache brand and community at-large from abuse.
The ASF is strictly vendor neutral. No organization is able to gain special 
privileges or control a project's direction, irrespective of employing staff to 
work on Apache projects or sponsorship status.

The ASF Today
Behind the ASF is an all-volunteer community comprising 730 individual Members 
and 7,000 Committers stewarding 200M+ lines of code that benefit billions of 
users worldwide.

Lauded as one of the industry's most influential communities, the ASF develops 
and incubates 350+ Open Source projects and initiatives that are made available 
to the public-at-large at 100% no cost. The ASF has become an invaluable 
resource for users and developers alike, drawing 35M page views per week across 
http://apache.org/ ; 9M+ source code downloads from Apache mirrors (excluding 
convenience binaries), and Web requests received from every Internet-connected 
country on the planet.

"Over the past two decades, few institutions have been as important for the 
advancement and growth of Open Source as The Apache Software Foundation," said 
Stephen O'Grady, Principal Analyst with RedMonk. "By providing a neutral 
environment for developers from diverse backgrounds to work together, the ASF 
has played a pivotal role in the history of Open Source, and appears poised to 
continue in this role for the next decade."

All-Volunteer Community
The membership-based, not-for-profit charitable organization ensures that 
Apache projects continue to exist beyond the participation of individual 
volunteers by building diverse communities that develop and support software.

At the ASF, all software development and project leadership is executed 
entirely by volunteers. The ASF Board and officers are all volunteers. The ASF 
does not pay for development: thousands of committed individuals help make a 
difference to the lives of billions of people by ensuring that Apache software 
remains accessible to all.

The Apache maxim "Community Over Code" underscores that a healthy community is 
far more important than good code. In the event that the code would 
dematerialize, a strong community could rewrite it; however, if a community is 
unhealthy, the code will eventually fail as well.

The meritocratic "Contributor-Committer-Member" approach is the central 
governing process across the Apache ecosystem. The core Apache Group of 21 
individuals grew with developers who contributed code, patches, or 
documentation. Some of these contributors were subsequently granted "Committer" 
status by the Membership, and provided access to: 1) commit (write) directly to 
the code repository, 2) vote on community-related decisions, and 3) propose an 
active user for Committership. Those Committers who demonstrate merit in the 
Foundation's growth, evolution, and progress are nominated for ASF Membership 
by existing members.

[please see charts at https://s.apache.org/ASF20thAnniversary ]

Powered by Apache

     "The most popular Open Source software is Apache..."
     — DZone "What Open Source Software Do You Use?"

Apache software is used in every Internet-connected country on the planet. 
Apache projects serve as the backbone for some of the world’s most visible and 
widely used applications in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Big 
Data, build management, Cloud Computing, content management, DevOps, IoT and 
Edge computing, mobile, servers, and Web frameworks, among many other 
categories. Examples of the breadth of applications that are "Powered by 
Apache" include:

 - Panama Papers: library, search, and document management tools used in the 
2.6TB Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation;

 - US Federal Aviation Administration: system-wide information management to 
enable every airplane take off and land in US airspace;

 - Netflix: data ingestion pipeline and stream processing 3 trillion events 
each day;

 - Uber: handling 1M writes per second for 99.99% availability to users and 

 - Mobile app developers: unifying mobile application development across 
Blackberry, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, and iOS operating systems;

 - Facebook: processing requests at 300-petabyte data warehouse, connecting 2B+ 
active users;

 - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: accessing content across multi-mission, 
multi-instrument science data systems;

 - Global Biodiversity Information Facility: managing 1B+ occurrence records 
for open access to data about all types of life on Earth;

 - European Space Agency: powering new mission control system and 
next-generation simulators infrastructure;

 - Adobe: powering I/O Runtime and the core of Experience Manager;

 - IBM Watson: advancing data intelligence and semantics capabilities to win 
first-ever "Man vs. Machine" competition on Jeopardy!

 - Boston Children's Hospital: linking phenotypic and genomic data for the 
Precision Link Biobank

 - Target.com: driving $1B+ in revenue through Big Data optimization;

 - AOL: ingesting 20TB+ of data per day;

 - Minecraft: bundling libraries to modify the second most popular video game 
of all time;

 - Novopay: serving as a transactional backbone to processes $80M+ each month;

 - Formula 1, Audi, and Daimler: streaming data in vehicles in real time;

 - Twitter: processing and analyzing more than a Zettabyte of raw data through 
200B+ tweets annually;

 - Pinterest: processing 800B+ daily events;

 - Amazon Music: tuning recommendations for 16M+ subscribers;

 - NASA: powering Big Earth and Ocean Science data analytics; 

And, from Accumulo to Zipkin (incubating), more than six dozen Apache projects 
form the foundation of the $166B Big Data ecosystem.

Apache software is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to 
the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's 
day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases.

The Code
Over the past two decades, 1,058,321,099 lines of Apache code were committed 
over 3,022,836 commits. The ASF codebase is conservatively valued at least 
$20B, using the COCOMO 2 model. All Apache software is released under the 
Apache License v2.0.

[please see chart at https://s.apache.org/ASF20thAnniversary ]

"If It Didn't Happen On-list...It Didn't Happen"
Since the ASF's founding, 351,067 authors sent 19,587,835 emails on 8,529,590 
topics across 1,131 mailing lists.

[please see chart at https://s.apache.org/ASF20thAnniversary ]

Apache Incubator
The Apache Incubator is the entry path for projects and codebases wishing to 
become part of the efforts at The Apache Software Foundation. All code 
donations from external organizations and existing external projects enter 
through the Incubator to: 1) ensure all donations are in accordance with the 
ASF legal standards; and 2) develop new communities that adhere to our guiding 
principles. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a 
further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision 
making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF 

Since the ASF's founding, 199 projects have successfully graduated from the 
Apache Incubator. Today, 52 projects are in development, applying The Apache 
Way to innovations in annotation, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, 
cryptography, data science, development environments, Edge and IoT, email; 
JavaEE, libraries, Machine Learning, serverless computing, and many more 

"Wow, is it 20 years already? Congratulations to the ASF! I've always been a 
big believer and advocate of Open Source, but when we founded the ASF 20 years 
ago I certainly didn't expect *this* level of growth and success," said ASF 
co-founder Lars Eilebrecht. "I'm very proud that the ASF - despite many 
challenges - has remained true to its core values and the Apache Way of Open 
Source development. The ASF has had a very big and positive impact on the 
overall IT industry, and I'm certain that the industry and the Internet would 
look very different today without the ASF's involvement in the rise of Open 

Apache License v2.0

     "Apache-style licensing may yield more adoption and money."
     — Matt Asay, c|net

The commercially-friendly and permissive Apache License v2.0 has become an Open 
Source industry standard. Its popularity has led to the rise in corporate 
contribution in Open Source, and is behind the launch of dozens of billion 
dollar companies, and is facilitating the adoption of some of the world's 
fastest-growing Open Source projects.

"I'd like to congratulate the Apache Software Foundation for growing and 
demonstrating a working model for open source development that has stood the 
test of time," said ASF co-founder Randy Terbush. "I am forever grateful for 
the opportunities that my participation in the ASF gave me and I am very proud 
of what the group has become."

Pre-dating the ASF, ApacheCon is the official global conference series of The 
Apache Software Foundation. Heralding "Tomorrow's Technology Today" since 1998, 
participants learn about Open Source development "The Apache Way", independent 
of business interests, corporate biases, or sales pitches. ApacheCon presents 
dynamic, community-driven content and innovation insight through hands-on 
sessions, keynotes, real-world case studies, trainings, hackathons, BarCamps, 
and more. The ASF is holding four events in 2019:

 - Apache Roadshow/Washington DC 25, March 2019
 - Apache Roadshow/Chicago, 13-14 May 2019
 - ApacheCon North America/Las Vegas, 9-12 September 2019
 - ApacheCon Europe/Berlin, 22-24 October 2019

For more information and to register, visit http://apachecon.com/ and ApacheCon 
video http://s.apache.org/ApacheCon .

"My Apache journey started in the Apache HTTP core development team in 1995, 
fixing security issues and continues today as VP of Security," said ASF 
co-founder Mark Cox. "In the years between, Apache has inextricably intertwined 
my professional career and my personal life. I'm proud to be part of the ASF as 
we move past 20 years and look forward to a celebration (hopefully with cake) 
at ApacheCon in September."

"Happy Birthday, Apache Group!" echoed ASF co-founder Bill Stoddard.

Support Apache
As a United States private, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, 
the ASF relies on charitable donations to advance the future of open 
development. The ASF is sustained by through tax-deductible contributions from 
generous corporations, foundations, and individuals, whose contributions help 
offset day-to-day operating expenses that include bandwidth, connectivity, 
servers, hardware, legal counsel, accounting services, trademark protection, 
public relations, marketing, and related support staff. Less than 10% is spent 
on overhead.

The Apache Software Foundation plans to continue to innovate "The Apache Way" 
with new Open Source projects and communities for years to come. Donations to 
the ASF help keep Apache software available to everyone.

- "From our first contributions to The Apache Software Foundation in 2006 until 
today, the ASF has been teaching us and everyone how to do community driven 
Open Source. We thank the ASF, their communities and all who have been 
involved! Congratulations on 20 years of volunteer-led service, and the many 
accomplishments with code and community. We look forward to collaborating on 
the next 20." –Adrian Cockcroft, VP Cloud Strategy at AWS

- "The Apache Software Foundation and OSI both turned 20 recently. As two of 
the founding organizations of the Open Source community, they are fundamental 
to its growth and success. The Apache Way ensures all participants have equal 
representation and footing, and developers are valued based on their 
contributions' merits. Bloomberg developers first got involved as Open Source 
community collaborators and contributors seven years ago, and we've been 
involved with – and a sponsor of – the ASF almost this entire time, as it’s the 
home of dozens of projects that are incredibly important to us." –Kevin 
Fleming, Head of Open Source Community Engagement and Member of the CTO Office 
at Bloomberg

- "Congratulations to The Apache Software Foundation on 20 years of 
ground-breaking software development and Open Source community leadership. The 
ASF has provided value to Cerner for more than 15 years through innovative 
projects and rich communities. We can count on the ASF to be the source of 
high-quality, foundational software and to provide a collaborative community 
that makes it easy for our engineers to grow." –Nathan Beyer, VP & Chief 
Engineer at Cerner, and ASF Member

- "The Apache Software Foundation provides a fertile home for software 
communities. The Foundation’s unique approach has created many industry 
standards and will likely continue to do so for many more years. Apache 
projects are famous not just for great technology, but for their longevity and 
vendor-independence. Cloudera looks forward to continuing to collaborate with 
others at Apache for decades to come." –Doug Cutting, Chief Architect at 

- "Datadog is a proud sponsor of The Apache Software Foundation. What an 
amazing journey it's been, from a small group of developers working on httpd to 
a foundation that stewards some truly amazing Open Source projects. As a 
consumer and contributor to many of those projects, it's difficult to 
understate the impact they've had; not only on us but on the software industry 
as a whole. Congratulations on 20 years!" –Jeremy Garcia, Director of Technical 
Community and Open Source at Datadog

- "After twenty years of practicing Open Source law, I appreciate how critical 
The Apache Software Foundation has been to the success of the OSS ecosystem. I 
am honored to work with the Foundation and its members." –Mark Radcliffe, 
Partner at DLA Piper 

- "We look forward to another 20 years of Open Source software with The Apache 
Software Foundation! We were excited to be one of the first corporate members 
in 2005, and even more excited to select the Apache license for Android in 
2008. There's very few organizations that have shown the persistent dedication 
to Open Source the way that the ASF has and we're proud to be a part of it as a 
sponsor and to have so many of our engineers contributing to Apache projects." 
–Chris DiBona, Director of Open Source at Google

- "From an auspicious launch with the Apache HTTP Server to over 350 projects 
today, Apache continues to drive innovation in the industry and IBM is proud to 
have supported its founding. With dozens new projects coming to the ASF each 
year, from Artificial Intelligence to Deep Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, 
DevOps, IoT and Edge Computing, Mobile, Servers, and Web Frameworks, The Apache 
Software Foundation is an anchor for world-changing Open Source projects. We 
look forward to continued contributions and collaboration for many years to 
come." –Todd Moore, Vice President of Open Technology and Developer Advocacy at 

- "It's an honor and a privilege to help Apache, an organization so deeply 
ingrained in the history and growth of the Internet, fundraise online. 
Congratulations on 20 years, and cheers to the next 20!" –Alex Morse, CEO at 

- "Leaseweb has been using Apache/ASF projects for a multitude of products and 
services over the last 20 years. The ASF is responsible for a mindboggling 
amount of Open Source projects that truly make up the fabric of the Internet. 
For Leaseweb, the ASF is in the core of many of our Cloud and Hosting 
platforms. Apart from helping out with our Platinum Sponsorship, Leaseweb would 
like to thank all developers and other volunteers in ASF and ASF projects for 
continuing to build software that makes the Internet what it is today. We’re 
looking forward to another 20 years of innovation, code, and community – and 
proud to be a small part of that." –Robert van der Meulen, Global Product 
Strategy Lead at Leaseweb

- "Twenty years ago the ASF's vendor neutral model of Open Source software 
development was central to the commercialization of the World Wide Web and has 
continued to accelerate innovation across the IT industry since then. At 
Microsoft we are committed to ensuring that Azure is the best cloud platform 
for our partners and customers. A key aspect of delivering on this goal is to 
contribute to the success of Open Source projects. The ASF's emphasis on vendor 
neutrality, is key to the success of many Open Source components used by both 
Microsoft and our partners. Happy Birthday to The Apache Software Foundation." 
–John Gossman, Lead Architect of Microsoft Azure

- "The Apache Software Foundation has provided stewardship for much of the 
modern Internet, from the Apache Web Server itself to cutting edge 
infrastructure and data science technologies such as Kafka and Hadoop. No-IP is 
built on Open Source software. It is important for us to support Open Source 
projects and the Apache Foundation has made it easy to give back. We look 
forward to the Foundation's future work and wise guidance and we are proud to 
be associated with it." –Dan Durrer, CEO and Owner of No-IP

- "PCCC.com joins the world in celebrating 20 years of Open Source Software 
from The Apache Software Foundation. Happy Birthday!" –Kevin A. McGrail, CEO 
Emeritus of Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation

- "More than being Open Source, Apache values transparency and openness with 
their users, something PureVPN staunchly believes in, advocates, and follows. 
Supporting Apache gives us the opportunity to align ourselves with an amazing 
team of people that makes a difference in the lives of individuals on a daily 
basis." –Uzair Gadit, CEO at PureVPN

- "The Apache Software Foundation has been a great help in pushing the Open 
Source agenda to a wide range of individuals, communities, and vendors over the 
years. Their approach to meritocracy and community-driven development has 
helped to shape some world class Open Source projects which have gone on to 
help drive some world-class products and businesses. Keep it up and here's to 
the next 20 years!" –Mark Little, VP Engineering and CTO JBoss Middleware at 
Red Hat

- "Tencent Cloud is proud to be the first platinum sponsor of The Apache 
Software Foundation from China. In years of supporting with Open Source 
communities, we found Apache is one of the best places to drive great 
innovations for industry of AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Edge 
Computing, IoT, etc. We would like to thank ASF for its outstanding 
contributions to Open Source world, and celebrate its 20th Anniversary of Open 
Source collaboration. Tencent Cloud will stand together with ASF and looks 
forward to long term contributions and collaborations." –Huixing Wang, Vice 
President of Tencent Cloud

- "The Apache Software Foundation is among the brightest beacons in the global 
Open Source movement. HotWax is proud to recognize the ASF for harnessing 
transparency and meritocracy to generate some of the highest quality and most 
widely used code in the world, for decades now! Happy 20th -- we are honored to 
be a part of the community." –Mike Bates, CEO, HotWax Systems

- "Contributing to The Apache Software Foundation projects continues to be part 
of our engineering strategy." –Gil Yehuda, Senior Director of Open Source at 
Verizon Media


 - The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success https://s.apache.org/GhnI
 - Briefing: The Apache Way https://s.apache.org/TheApacheWay
 - Our Founders look back on 20 Years of the ASF! 
 - 20 Years of Open Source Innovation, The Apache Way https://s.apache.org/CmA3
 - Foundation Reports and Statements 
 - Video Promo: The ASF at 20 https://s.apache.org/ASF20
 - Video Promo: ApacheCon http://s.apache.org/ApacheCon
 - Foundation Highlights 1999-2019 http://www.apache.org/press/highlights.html
 - ASF Press Kit (logos, creative assets) 
 - Social Media Hashtags: #Apache #ASF20 #TheApacheWay
 - Twitter handle @TheASF
 - The ASF on LinkedIn 

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than 350 
leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server —the world's most 
popular Web server software. Through the ASF's merit-based process known as 
"The Apache Way," more than 730 individual Members and 7,000 Committers across 
six continents successfully collaborate to develop freely available 
enterprise-grade software, benefiting billions of users worldwide: thousands of 
software solutions are distributed under the Apache License; and the community 
actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and 
ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user conference, trainings, and expo. The 
ASF is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Anonymous, 
ARM, Baidu, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, Cerner, Cloudera, Comcast, 
Facebook, Google, Handshake, Hortonworks, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Inspur, 
Leaseweb, Microsoft, ODPi, Pineapple Fund, Pivotal, Private Internet Access, 
Red Hat, Target, Tencent, Union Investment, Workday, and Verizon Media. For 
more information, visit http://apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/TheASF

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