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Open Source distributed, scalable Big Data store celebrates a decade of 
processing zettabytes of data across highly scalable large tables for the 
Apache Hadoop ecosystem 

Wakefield, MA —13 May 2020— The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today the tenth Anniversary of Apache® 
HBase™, the distributed, scalable data store for the Apache Hadoop Big Data 

"The success of Apache HBase is the success of Open Source," said Duo Zhang, 
Vice President of Apache HBase. "Ten years after graduating as a TLP, HBase is 
still among the most active projects at the ASF. We have hundreds of 
contributors all around the world. We speak different languages, we have 
different skills, but we all work together to make HBase better and better. Ten 
year anniversary is not the end, but a new beginning, I believe our strong 
community will lead the project to a bright future."

HBase originated at Powerset in 2006 as an Open Source system to run on Apache 
Hadoop’s Distributed File System (HDFS), similar to how BigTable ran on top of 
the Google File System. In 2007, a significant code contribution was added to 
the Apache Hadoop codebase and was integrated into the Apache Hadoop 0.15.0 
release later that year. Development on HBase continued as a sub-project of 
Apache Hadoop, and graduated as an Apache Top-Level Project (TLP) in April 2010.

An Open Source, versioned, non-relational database, Apache HBase provides low 
latency random access to very large tables —billions of rows and millions of 
columns— atop clusters of non-specialized, commodity hardware. HBase reads, 
writes, and processes structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in 
real-time environments.

Apache HBase is in use at thousands of organizations, including Adobe, Airbnb, 
Alibaba, Bloomberg, Flipkart, Huawei, HP, Hubspot, IBM, Microsoft, NetEase, 
Pinterest, Salesforce, Shopee, Tencent, Twitter, Xiaomi, and Yahoo! (now 
Verizon Media), among others.


"Congratulations on the 10th birthday of Apache HBase! Alibaba started to use 
HBase since January 2011 and has witnessed its growth and come along with the 
community through the years. The Apache HBase community has always been an open 
and powerful team that produced many stable, production-ready and widely used 
versions. Today at Alibaba, we have HBase clusters with more than 10k nodes 
serving hundreds of petabytes of data, as well as  more than 1,000 enterprise 
HBase users on Alibaba Cloud. We will continue collaborating with and 
contributing to the HBase community and wish us all ongoing success in future!"
—Chunhui Shen and Yu Li, members of the HBase team at Alibaba

"I have worked with Apache HBase for many years and I think it is a great 
product. it does what it says on the tin so to speak. Ironically if you look 
around the NoSQL competitors, most of them are supported by start-ups, whereas 
HBase is only supported as part of Apache suite of products by vendors like 
Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, etc. For those who would prefer to use SQL on top, 
there is Apache Phoenix around which makes life easier for the most SQL-savvy 
world to work on HBase: problem solved. For TCO, HBase is still value for money 
compared to others. You don't need expensive RAM or SSD with HBase. That makes 
it easy to onboard it in no time. Also HBase can be used in a variety of 
different business applications, whereas other commercial ones  are focused on 
narrower niche markets. Least but last happy 10th anniversary and hope HBase 
will go from strength to strength and we will keep using it for years to come!"
—Dr. Mich Talebzadeh, Chief Data Architect, Big Data

"Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Apache HBase! Xiaomi started to use 
HBase in 2012, when our business started booming. Many key Xiaomi products and 
services, as well as Xiaomi's data analytics platform, require a new system to 
provide quick and random access to billions of rows of structured and 
semi-structured data. Traditional solutions are not able to handle the large 
volume of data brought by the quickly increasing Xiaomi user base. Among 
several available options, we choose HBase not only because it provides a rich 
set of features and excellent performance specs, but also because it has a very 
active, open and friendly community. Embracing open source has been part of 
Xiaomi's engineering culture, and our deep involvement in the development of 
Apache HBase demonstrates the best practices of Xiaomi's open source strategy. 
In the past several years, we have contributed tons of bug fixes and important 
features to HBase, and, in the meantime, we have contributed 9 committers and 3 
PMC members to the HBase community. Looking forward, we will continue to work 
closely with the Apache HBase community to help the project grow, and we wish 
Apache HBase a wonderful future!"
—Dr. Baoqiu Cui, Vice President of Xiaomi Corporation and Technical Committee 

“Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Apache HBase, it’s great to see how 
the project has developed over the years and continues to have good community 
support around it! Salesforce has a large global footprint of Apache HBase in 
production storing multiple petabytes of customer data and serving several 
billions of queries per day for a wide variety of use cases including security, 
monitoring, collaboration portals, and performance caches to scale over RDBMS 
limitations. HBase has played a major role in Salesforce’s customer success in 
the BigData storage space and we continue to invest in it as one of the pillars 
of our multi-substrate database strategy along with Apache Phoenix for SQL 
access to data stored in HBase. We have contributed many features and bug fixes 
to HBase over the last several years, and we look forward to continue working 
with the Apache HBase community to develop the project further. Here’s to many 
more successful years for Apache HBase!”
—Sanjeev Lakshmanan, Senior Director, Software Development, Salesforce

“Happy 10th Apache HBase! It was around 8 years ago that we started looking at 
HBase to include as part of our Hosted Big Data Services stack. Fast-forward to 
today and it continues to be a critical offering in our stack, powering a 
diverse set of use cases and workloads such as ad targeting, content 
personalization, analytics, security, monitoring, etc. HBase enables these 
diverse workloads thanks to it’s high-scalability, feature set and performance, 
all of which have been continuously refined through the years. In turn our 
footprint continues to grow storing petabytes of data across thousands of 
machines. Our success is in part thanks to the project’s success as we benefit 
from our collaborations, the contributions and other efforts by the community 
(eg mailing list, meetups, HBaseCon, etc). This is a testament to the open, 
friendly and dedicated community around Apache HBase which is necessary for the 
success of any open source project. We wish the project continued success for 
years to come as we continue to collaborate with and be part of the community 
cultivating the project.”
—Francis Liu and Thiruvel Thirumoolan,  HBase Big Data Team Members, Yahoo! 
(now Verizon Media)

“Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Apache HBase! It’s great to see how 
this project has evolved from a big data project to one that runs business 
critical systems and continues to accelerate with a growing community and 
increasing pace of development! Cloudera has over 500 customers in production 
using it for a range of use cases ranging from mission critical transactional 
applications to supporting data warehousing. Our largest customers have 
footprints in excess of 7,000 nodes storing over 70PB of data. Our customers 
choose HBase because of its resilience with some customers able to realize 100% 
application uptime using HBase (over the past 3 years). We plan to continue to 
invest in HBase (and Apache Phoenix) to ensure that we can continue to both 
broaden support for a variety of hybrid transactional and analytical use cases 
and deepen support for existing use cases. Here's to many more successful 
—Arun C. Murthy, Chief Product Officer, Cloudera

“Many Congratulations to the Apache HBase community on the 10th anniversary. 
Apache HBase provides rich functions and excellent performance, and has an open 
and friendly community. Huawei started using HBase since 2010: HBase is widely 
used by multiple solutions of Huawei running on more than 10,000 nodes, storing 
hundreds of PBs data to meet our requirements. Huawei FusionInsight provides 
the Best Practices of Huawei for HBase, which serves a lot of customers across 
many industries such as finance, operators, government, energy, medical, 
manufacturing, and transportation. Meanwhile, Huawei team members contributed a 
lot of bug fixes and features to HBase, successfully hosted the first HBase 
Asia Technology Conference HBaseCon Asia 2017 at Shenzhen. Going forward, 
Huawei will continue to work closely with the Apache HBase community to promote 
community development.”
—Wei Zhi, Kai Mo and Pankaj Kumar, members of the HBase team at Huawei

“Happy 10th anniversary, HBase! At Ultra Tendency, you have been the backbone 
of our Dual Lambda Streaming Architecture for many years! You have served 
billions of queries to our customers without interruption and at low latency. 
Your architecture guaranteed that you were always there when we needed you, 
never letting us or our customers down. You are the reason why our European 
clients today are running flourishing new business models backed by low-latency 
streaming products. Our committers and contributors will continue to fix bugs 
and provide feature enhancements. Ultra Tendency wishes you a bright and 
successful future!”
—Jan Hentschel, Chief Information Officer, Ultra Tendency

“Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Apache HBase, I can't believe it's 
been 10 years since the first day when I tried to use Apache HBase and its 
ecosystem to help the business and company. Also, it is so great to see many 
colleagues and friends work, discuss, cooperate together to make this system 
become better. Some of them also make great career development and some are 
still progress. Shopee, one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in Southeast 
Asia, has several large Apache HBase clusters in production to support 
businesses that depend on several billions of queries per day. Apache HBase has 
played a significant role in Shopee and it is still in expansion along with the 
business growth of Shopee. Apache HBase, as well as the community, helps us a 
lot and we also will continue to make contributions to Apache HBase. Looking 
forward to keeping working with the Apache HBase community to develop the 
project and its ecosystem further.”
—Li Luo, Manager of Data Infra department, Shopee

”At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on 
the planet to achieve more, and it’s this mission that drives our commitment to 
open source. Congratulations to the Apache HBase community on its 10th 
anniversary. Microsoft has been part of the vibrant HBase community since 2014, 
today we are proud to serve the numerous enterprise customers across industries 
who are leveraging HBase in Azure HDInsight for their most critical business 
—Tomas Talius, Director of Engineering, Azure Data Services, Microsoft

Availability and Oversight
Apache HBase software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen 
by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project 
Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's day-to-day operations, 
including community development and product releases. For downloads, 
documentation, and ways to become involved with Apache HBase, visit 
http://hbase.apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/HBase 

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is the world’s 
largest Open Source foundation, stewarding 200M+ lines of code and providing 
more than $20B+ worth of software to the public at 100% no cost. The ASF’s 
all-volunteer community grew from 21 original founders overseeing the Apache 
HTTP Server to 813 individual Members and 206 Project Management Committees who 
successfully lead 350+ Apache projects and initiatives in collaboration with 
7,600+ Committers through the ASF’s meritocratic process known as "The Apache 
Way". Apache software is integral to nearly every end user computing device, 
from laptops to tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and 
mission-critical applications. Apache projects power most of the Internet, 
manage exabytes of data, execute teraflops of operations, and store billions of 
objects in virtually every industry. The commercially-friendly and permissive 
Apache License v2 is an Open Source industry standard, helping launch billion 
dollar corporations and benefiting countless users worldwide. The ASF is a US 
501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Amazon Web 
Services, Anonymous, ARM, Baidu, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, 
CarGurus, Cerner, Cloudera, Comcast, Facebook, Google, Handshake, Huawei, IBM, 
Indeed, Inspur, Leaseweb, Microsoft, ODPi, Pineapple Fund, Private Internet 
Access, Red Hat, Target, Tencent, Union Investment, Verizon Media, and Workday. 
For more information, visit http://apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/TheASF 

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "HBase", "Apache HBase", "Hadoop", 
"Apache Hadoop", and "ApacheCon" are registered trademarks or trademarks of the 
Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All 
other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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