The Document Foundation is always opposed to the use of patents to
curtail Free Software development and use. The GNOME Foundation, a
member of our Advisory Board, is now the target of patent troll
Rothschild Patent Imaging LLC, for maintaining and shipping Shotwell, a
Free Open Source personal photo manager for the GNOME desktop environment.

The GNOME Foundation has declined to settle, and has filed three
different papers with the court: a motion to dismiss the case, an answer
to the claim, and a counterclaim against the troll, with the aim of
invalidating their patent. We fully support GNOME Foundation’s decision
to fight the patent troll so that no other users or developers are in
danger of being sued by this and similar organizations.

Here you can read GNOME Foundation blog post summarizing the situation:
The Document Foundation asks all LibreOffice community members and users
to stand with the GNOME Foundation in their efforts to show the world
that we in the Free Software communities will defend ourselves against
any abuses of the patent system.

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR

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