
Apologies for the multiple emails today, but this was too exciting not to
share. Our gubernatorial candidate, Robert Sarvis(, is officially going to be on the ballot in
November!  The following press release just went out.

As always- questions, feedback, and contributions welcome.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Delhomme <>
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Libertarian Candidate Robert Sarvis on Ballot for Virginia Governor


For Immediate Release

Thursday, June 26, 2013

 Libertarian Candidate Robert Sarvis on Ballot for Virginia Governor

 (Arlington, June 26, 2013) --- Virginia voters will have a third candidate
on the ballot for governor in November. According to the Virginia State
Board of Elections, Robert Sarvis has been validated as an official
candidate for the Virginia gubernatorial race. Virginia election rules
require that statewide candidates gather 10,000 signatures of registered
Virginia voters, with 400 of those signatures collected from each
congressional district.

Robert Sarvis says “Virginia needs open-minded, economically literate
leadership, not culture wars and class wars.”  Robert Sarvis has emphasized
empowering parents by championing school choice, and providing tax relief
and job growth through tax reform. Sarvis’s campaign is also highlighting
the importance of protecting gun rights, recognizing gay marriages, and
reforming our drug laws to reduce violence and restore civil liberties.

When asked about his plan for Virginia, Sarvis responded: “by protecting
personal and economic freedom, we can make Virginia the envy of the world,
with a growing economy that adds jobs and raises incomes, and a system of
laws providing equality and justice for all. So let's buck the two-party
system, bring people together, and build a Virginia that's open-minded and
open for business.”

Patrick Hagerty, candidate for House of Delegates in the 33rd district of
Virginia, also received verification from the Board of Elections that he
would be on the ballot in November. Adding this Leesburg business owner to
the slate of House of Delegates candidates brings the total number of LPVA
candidates to eight; making 2013 the largest slate of candidates the
Libertarian Party of Virginia has run in over a decade.

Inquiries about Mr. Sarvis and Mr. Hagerty’s campaigns can be made via:

Robert Sarvis



Phone: 202-352-8335


Mail: Sarvis for Governor 2013

P.O. Box 224

Annandale, VA 22003

Patrick Hagerty


Questions about the Libertarian Party of Virginia may be directed to LPVA
chairman Chuck Moulton at (215) 768-6812 or or to LPVA
communications director Laura Delhomme at (571) 249-4613 or


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