Old Dominion Liberty Letter        Issue #35

In this issue:

1.  NORFOLK NEWS: By All Means, Let's Not Teach Them Constitutional Rights!
2.  LP NEWS: The Libertarian Party Improves Lives: The (Re)Birth of Informed 
3.  KENYA NEWS: Kenyan Government Confiscating Guns 'The Right Way... This Time'
4.  NATIONAL NEWS: The Food Police Are Coming
5.  BOOK NEWS: Libertarianism, from A to Z (Hardcover), by Jeffrey Miron
6.  VIRGINIA NEWS: Marijuana Reformers in Scottsville VA Election
7.  LP NEWS: New National Committee Officers
8.  VIRGINIA NEWS: So Why Are They Being Prosecuted, Then?
9.  EXPLORING LIBERTY: The LP's "3.3 International Affairs" Plank
10.  NATIONAL NEWS: LP Issue Bumper Stickers
12.  Libertarian Radio in Virginia

1.  NORFOLK NEWS: By All Means, Let's Not Teach Them Constitutional Rights!

"Two Norview High School teachers were placed on paid administrative leave this 
week after a parent complained that they distributed classroom materials that 
gave advice on how to deal with police if stopped.  ...  The materials - a 
one-page handout and a video distributed and aired in a 12th-grade government 
class - are sponsored by two organizations, one a nonprofit that supports 
legalization of marijuana and one that calls itself a 'decentralized anarchist 
collective.'  ...  The last paragraph of the flier, titled 'When Dealing with 
Police' states, 'Remember You have legal rights, but many police will not 
respect your rights. Be careful - Be Street Smart.' "


With stories like these, it's hard to remember that Virginia isn't a 
banana-republic, third-world dictatorship like Maryland.

2.  LP NEWS: The Libertarian Party Improves Lives: The (Re)Birth of Informed 

Have you ever heard of the "Fully Informed Jury Association", or "FIJA"?

FIJA arose due to discussions of jury rights among members of the Montana 
Libertarian Party (http://fija.org/about/history/ ).  Since its formation, the 
Association has distributed hundreds of thousands of pamphlets educating people 
about their long-lost right to judge law as well as facts when they sit on a 

The LP may be oblivious, but the the "freedom movement" is well aware of 
Julian's activities. Its all over Facebook, blogs, etc.

To the LPPa's credit, Julian's recent Pennsylvania activities were spawned at 
the recent LPPa convention.

3.  KENYA NEWS: Kenyan Government Confiscating Guns 'The Right Way... This Time'

Read and weep:


Sounds to me like it's time for yankees to do what we were famous for since 
colonial times: Smuggle.

If the government takes the citizen's guns, let's encourage our manufacturers 
to produce cheap throwaway guns by the millions and smuggle them past the 
border.  Or just drop them, along with leaflets in the local language, en masse 
with little parachutes.

Maybe a government that was interested in helping its people, rather than 
harassing them, could facilitate entrepreneurs in the honest (private) sector 
developing water resources profitably so that the tribes would not need to 
fight each other over it...  

Of course, it is usually government that causes shortages, and water rights in 
Kenya are no exception.

4.  NATIONAL NEWS: The Food Police Are Coming

RE: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/19/business/economy/19leonhardt.html

"The argument for a soda tax is the same as the argument for a tax on tobacco, 
pollution or, for that matter, banks that take big, expensive risks. When an 
activity imposes costs on society, economists have long said that the activity 
should be taxed. Doing so accomplishes two goals: it discourages the activity, 
and it raises money to help pay society’s costs."

Well, by that logic, we should be taxing government employees into oblivion, 
because just about everything government does imposes enormous costs on society.

The Food Police are on the warpath against sweetened soda drinks; and a 
mjaority of them think that real fruit juices are better.  Thousands of drink 
machines in schools now vend only fruit juices as a result.  Unfortunately, the 
Food Police generally choose to remain ignorant of the fact that fruit juices 
-- even natural, organic ones -- are just as bad, or worse, than sugary sodas.  
Here's a clue: look at the sugar content on the label of a fruit juice drink, 
and compare it to the sugar content in an identical-sized serving of non-diet 

The only drink that has no deleterious effects (unless one drinks way, way, way 
too much of it), is WATER.  Water is by far the most healthful drink.  However, 
I wouldn't think of mandating that everyone else drink it.  If the Food Police 
are so enamored of controlling, perhaps they could control their illegitimate 
desire for more laws to control others.  What an individual chooses to ingest 
is the concern of that particular individual.

5.  BOOK NEWS: Libertarianism, from A to Z (Hardcover), by Jeffrey Miron


>From reviewer John Scott: "Jeffrey Miron is Director of Undergraduate Studies 
>at Harvard's economics department. He's also an outspoken libertarian (see 
>).  This book is not intended as a top-heavy (theoretical) exposition of 
>libertarianism. It's meant to introduce readers to the coherent fundamentals 
>of libertarian thought.  Topics dealt with include everything from abortion 
>and taxpayer subsidized sports stadiums to the sale of human body parts and 
>global warming.  I highly recommend this book, whether you're a libertarian or 
>not, and perhaps especially if you're not, because it provides a very clear, 
>unambiguous looking glass into the mind of the libertarian."

6.  VIRGINIA NEWS: Marijuana Reformers in Scottsville VA Election

As we reported last issue:  "Several candidates for the May 4 election say they 
support the issue because it's a way to decriminalize marijuana and generate 
income for the government ...  Scottsville town councilman Bebe Williams says 
if re-elected he'll seek a town resolution calling on the federal government to 
legalize marijuana ...  Candidates Brandon Maupin and Ron Smith say the 
criminal element could be eliminated if marijuana was grown and sold under 
government control ...  Write-in candidate Lisa Roberson says marijuana will 
eventually be legalized, so government officials need to decide now how to deal 
with the issue."

The results of that race are now in.  The Scottsville council had six open 
seats and eight candidates on the ballot.  Daniel Gritsko and Lisa Roberson 
joined four incumbents on the council.

7.  LP NEWS: New National Committee Officers

As you probably know, the LP national convention is going on this weekend.  As 
of this writing, the officer elections are complete.  Check out the draft 



8.  VIRGINIA NEWS: So Why Are They Being Prosecuted, Then?

Pervs arrest Rocky Mount schoolkids for "Sexting":


The Money Quote: "It's not clear what the consequences of the felony 
pornography charges might be but the chances of the students being convicted on 
the charges are as likely 'as the moon coming crashing down tomorrow,' 
Commonwealth Attorney Cliff Hapgood said."

9.  EXPLORING LIBERTY: The LP's "3.3 International Affairs" Plank

This issue, we bring you the Libertarian Party's platform position #3.3, 
"International Affairs", which reads: 

American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the world and its 
defense against attack from abroad. We would end the current U.S. government 
policy of foreign intervention, including military and economic aid. We 
recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and 
their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, 
against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by 
governments or by political or revolutionary groups.

10.  NATIONAL NEWS: LP Issue Bumper Stickers

And now, a word from our sponsor:  Wear the LP colors!  Check out these bumper 


How about a "Libertarian Precinct Captain" sign:


Or a "Repeal the Income Tax / Abolish the IRS" sign:



To stay current on upcoming activities of Libertarians across the state, check 
out the Calendar:


12.  Libertarian Radio in Virginia

What's on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, 
Free Talk Live is talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. 
Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues oriented talk. What is the 
meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L. Check out some 
of the archives on the FTL Main Page http://freetalklive.com/ to get an idea of 
what this all means.


Call    Freq    Band    City            Affiliate       Live?   Days    Hours
Sign                                    Since                   On      On
WCHV    94.1    FM      C'ville         2008-10-18      Yes     Sat     7-10p 
WCHV    1260    AM      C'ville         2008-10-18      Yes     Sat     7-10p 
WSVG    790     AM      Mt. Jackson     2008-08-23      Yes     M-F Sat 8-10p 
7-10p ET  
WTAR    850     AM      Norfolk         2009-10-31      Yes     Sat     7-10p ET

The editors of Old Dominion Liberty Letter are always seeking stories for our 
regular features:
STATE NEWS: The "Government Behaving Badly" Files: This Issue's Criminal 
VIRGINIA TASER TALLY: Something for the Police State to be proud of
Old Dominion Liberty Letter        Issue #35

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share 
Alike 3.0 United States License by Marc Montoni.

Publishing Schedule:    Weekly - But it depends on YOU!
Publisher:              LPVA Communications Committee
Editor:                 Marc Montoni
Distribution:           500 + readers, via LPVA-Announce
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Allow me to emphasize this: We prefer Virginia news 
to news you can get elsewhere. If you have a good 
liberty-oriented story centered in Virginia, please 
alert us to it. 
WHAT'S GOING ON where you live?  Make sure all 
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NOTES: This newsletter will be migrated to a CMS with an RSS feed (which our 
webmaster has been very generous in setting up!) sometime soon.  This version 
is primarily to guage interest.  If you want it to continue, then participate! 

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Phone: 703-715-6230

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