The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Project Info 
Reports Plugin, version 2.4

This plugin is used to generate reports information about the project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration: 


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 2.3.1

** Bug
    * [MPIR-214] - IOException when generating dependency report in a multi-
module build
    * [MPIR-216] - Report on dependency-management throws Exceptions using 
version range for dependency
    * [MPIR-221] - Fix for MPIR-171 generates unnecessary and confusing 
warnings for non-integral time-zones
    * [MPIR-223] - Dependency report introduces corruption in classpaths for 
other plugins

** Improvement
    * [MPIR-85] - Refactoring of dependency and dependency management report
    * [MPIR-219] - Add Galician locale (gl) support
    * [MPIR-224] - Continuous Integration support for Jenkins


-The Maven team

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