The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Javadoc Plugin, version 3.1.1

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 3.1.1

** Bug
    * [MJAVADOC-539] - Upgrading plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 and 3.1.0
breaks certain external javadoc links
    * [MJAVADOC-589] - JDK 12 Classes Not Automatically Linked
    * [MJAVADOC-591] - javadoc fails with maven.compiler.release=8 and
    * [MJAVADOC-599] - javadoc:aggregate-jar does not create the jar when
executed as build plugin

** Improvement
    * [MJAVADOC-516] - Replace usage of deprecated HttpClient code


-The Apache Maven team

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