The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the 
Apache Maven JarSigner Plugin, version 1.4

This plugin provides the capability to sign or verify a project artifact and
attachments using jarsigner.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven JarSigner Plugin - Version 1.4


 * [MJARSIGNER-37] - MavenProject/MavenSession Injection as a paremeter instead 
as a component.
 * [MJARSIGNER-39] - Upgrade to maven-plugins parent version 27
 * [MJARSIGNER-40] - Upgrade maven version to 2.2.1
 * [MJARSIGNER-42] - Upgrade maven-shared-utils to 0.7
 * [MJARSIGNER-43] - Upgrade to maven-jarsigner component 1.4


-The Apache Maven team

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