On behalf of the Apache Drill community, I am happy to announce the release of
Apache Drill 1.13.0.

For information about Apache Drill, and to get involved, visit the
project website

This release of Drill provides the following new features and improvements:

- YARN support for Drill [DRILL-1170

- Support HTTP Kerberos auth using SPNEGO [DRILL-5425

- Support SQL syntax highlighting of queries [DRILL-5868

- Drill should support user/distribution specific configuration checks
during startup [DRILL-6068

- Upgrade DRILL to Calcite 1.15.0 [DRILL-5966

- Batch Sizing improvements to reduce memory footprint of operators

            - [DRILL-6071 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-6071>]
- Limit batch size for flatten operator

            - [DRILL-6126 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-6126>]
- Allocate memory for value vectors upfront in flatten operator

            - [DRILL-6123 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-6123>]
- Limit batch size for Merge Join based on memory.

            - [DRILL-6177 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-6177>]
- Merge Join - Allocate memory for outgoing value vectors based on sizes of
incoming batches.

For the full list please see release notes [2].

The binary and source artifacts are available here [3].

Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed to this release!

1. https://drill.apache.org/
2. https://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-1-13-0-release-notes/
3. https://drill.apache.org/download/

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