[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/jNcd ]

Community-driven conference series to gather dozens of Apache projects and 
their communities in Montréal to share and learn about the latest Open Source 
innovations in Big Data, Cloud, Finance, IoT, Machine Learning, Search, 
Servers, and more in a collaborative, vendor-neutral environment

Wakefield, MA —17 May 2018— The Apache® Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today the program for its official 
conference series, ApacheCon™, taking place 24-27 September 2018 in Montréal, 

ApacheCon showcases the latest breakthroughs from ubiquitous Apache projects 
and upcoming innovations in the Apache Incubator, as well as Open Source 
development and leading community-driven projects "The Apache Way".

"The Apache Software Foundation continues to lead in community-driven 
development that accelerates innovation across the Open Source ecosystem," said 
Rich Bowen, Vice President of Conferences at the ASF. "ApacheCon delivers 
state-of-the-art content, directly from Apache project developer and user 

Over the past 19 years, ApacheCon has drawn attendees from more than 60 
countries to learn about core Open Source technologies independent of business 
interests, corporate biases, or sales pitches. 

Topics include Big Data, Cloud, Community, Finance, Graphs, HTTP Server, IoT, 
Machine Learning, Messaging, NoSQL, Programming, Search, Security, Streaming, 
and more.

Dedicated Apache project tracks/co-located events include Apache Spark and 
Scala half-day workshop with IBM; CloudStack Collaboration Conference, 
TomcatCon, and Geospatial Track, organized by the Open Geospatial Consortium 

Sessions and Speakers
More than 100 presentations on dozens of popular Apache projects, including 
Avro, Beam, CouchDB, Drill, Fineract, Groovy, Hadoop, HAWQ, HBase, Hive, HTTP 
Server, Kafka, Karaf, Lucene, MyNewt, NetBeans, OpenNLP, ORC, Parquet, Phoenix, 
Ranger, RocketMQ, Solr, Spark, Struts, Unomi, YARN, and Zeppelin.

Featured projects undergoing development in the Apache Incubator include Druid, 
Dubbo, Gobblin, Hivemall, MXNet, OpenWhisk, PLC4X, Pulsar, S2Graph, and Traffic 

The complete schedule is available at https://apachecon.com/acna18/


Tuesday, 25 September

 - Cliff Schmidt, Apache Member, former ASF Board member, and Literacy Bridge 
founder on how Amplio uses technology to educate and improve the quality of 
life of people living in very difficult parts of the world.

 - Myrle Krantz, Apache Member and Vice President Apache Fineract, on how Open 
Source banking is helping the global fight against poverty.

Wednesday, 26 September

 - Bridget Kromhout, Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, on the 
really hard problem in software: the people.

 - Euan McLeod, ‎VP VIPER at ‎Comcast, on the many ways that Apache software 
delivers your favorite shows to your living room.

Events and Activities
ApacheCon will also feature popular sessions that include Lightning Talks, 
BarCampApache, Hackathon, PGP key signing, and ample networking opportunities 
with Apache projects and their communities.

ApacheCon is made possible by Platinum Sponsors Comcast and IBM; Gold Sponsor 
Amazon; Silver Sponsors Linode and Red Hat; and Bronze Sponsor ShapeBlue, who 
join Apache event sponsors CloudOps, Dito, GridGain, and Talener. Sponsorship 
opportunities are available for ApacheCon, as well as Apache Roadshow Berlin 
and Washington DC: contact h...@apachecon.com for further details.

ApacheCon North America 2018 will be held at the Montréal Marriott Chateau 
Champlain in Montréal, Canada. ApacheCon has secured room blocks with special 
rates for sleeping rooms ($225 CAD per night, including WiFi) available through 
24 August.

Registration for ApacheCon is open. Early registration incentives include 
savings of $225 off the general rate of $800 through 21 July, as well as 
special discounts for Apache Committers. 

Members of the media and analyst community who would like to reserve a 
complimentary press pass to ApacheCon should contact Sally Khudairi at 

About ApacheCon
ApacheCon is the official global conference series of The Apache Software 
Foundation. Since 2000 ApacheCon has been drawing participants at all levels to 
explore ”Tomorrow’s Technology Today” across 300+ Apache projects and their 
diverse communities. ApacheCon showcases the latest developments in ubiquitous 
Apache projects and emerging innovations through hands-on sessions, keynotes, 
real-world case studies, trainings, hackathons, community events, and more. For 
more information, visit http://apachecon.com/ and https://twitter.com/ApacheCon 

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than 350 
leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server —the world's most 
popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic process known as 
"The Apache Way," more than 680 individual Members and 6,500 Committers across 
six continents successfully collaborate to develop freely available 
enterprise-grade software, benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of 
software solutions are distributed under the Apache License; and the community 
actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and 
ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user conference, trainings, and expo. The 
ASF is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, ARM, Baidu, 
Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, Cash Store, Cerner, Cloudera, Comcast, 
Facebook, Google, Hortonworks, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Inspur, iSIGMA, ODPi, 
LeaseWeb, Microsoft, PhoenixNAP, Pivotal, Private Internet Access, Red Hat, 
Target, Union Investment, and Yahoo. For more information, visit 
http://apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/TheASF

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "Avro", "Apache Avro", "Beam", 
"Apache Beam", "CouchDB", "Apache CouchDB", "Drill", "Apache Drill", 
"Fineract", "Apache Fineract", "Groovy", "Apache Groovy", "Hadoop", "Apache 
Hadoop", "HAWQ", "Apache HAWQ", "HBase", "Apache HBase", "Hive", "Apache Hive", 
"Apache HTTP Server", "Kafka", "Apache Kafka", "Karaf", "Apache Karaf", 
"Lucene", "Apache Lucene", "MyNewt", "Apache MyNewt", "NetBeans", "Apache 
NetBeans", "OpenNLP", "Apache OpenNLP", "ORC", "Apache ORC", "Parquet", "Apache 
Parquet", "Phoenix", "Apache Phoenix", "Ranger", "Apache Ranger", "RocketMQ", 
"Apache RocketMQ", "Solr", "Apache Solr", "Spark", "Apache Spark", "Struts", 
"Apache Struts", "Unomi", "Apache Unomi", "YARN", "Apache YARN", "Zeppelin", 
"Apache Zeppelin", and "ApacheCon" are registered trademarks or trademarks of 
the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All 
other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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