[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/1JUb ]

Welcome, June! The Apache community is wrapping up the week with the following 

ASF Board –management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation 
in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 20 June. Board calendar and minutes 

ASF Sponsorship –individual donors and corporate sponsors who support the ASF. 
 - The Apache® Software Foundation Announces Added Support by Oath to Help 
Apache Infrastructure https://s.apache.org/eTNY

ApacheCon™ –the ASF's official global conference series.
 - 11-14 June: Apache Roadshow Europe/Berlin --event within FOSS Backstage 
 - 24-27 September: ApacheCon North America/Montreal 
 - 8 October: Apache Roadshow and Open Source Job Fair/Fairfax, VA --Save The 

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF's 
infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield thriving performance at 98.87% uptime. 

ASF Operations Factoid –this week, 517 Apache contributors changed 1,105,368 
lines of code over 3,240 commits. Top 5 contributors, in order, are: Zhang Duo, 
Gary Gregory, Stephen Mallette, Jesus Camacho Rodriguez, and Willem Jiang.

Apache Flink™ –an Open Source stream processing framework for distributed, 
high-performing, always-available, and accurate data streaming applications.
 - Apache Flink 1.5.0 released https://flink.apache.org/

Apache Groovy™ –a multi-facet programming language for the JVM.
 - Apache Groovy 2.5.0 released http://groovy-lang.org/

Apache Ignite™ –a memory-centric distributed database, caching, and processing 
platform for transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads delivering 
in-memory speeds at petabyte scale. 
 - Apache Ignite 2.5.0 released https://ignite.apache.org/

Apache Jackrabbit™ Oak – a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content 
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class Web sites 
and other demanding content applications.
- Apache Jackrabbit Oak  1.6.12 released http://jackrabbit.apache.org/

Apache NetBeans (incubating) –a full IDE for Java SE development.
 - Apache NetBeans incubating 9.0 RC1 released https://netbeans.apache.org/

Apache OpenMeetings™ –provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white 
board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API 
functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
 - Apache OpenMeetings 4.0.4 released http://openmeetings.apache.org/

Apache Pulsar –a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on 
commodity hardware.
 - Apache Pulsar 2.0.0-rc1-incubating released 

Apache Qpid™ Proton –a messaging library for the Advanced Message Queuing 
Protocol 1.0 (AMQP 1.0, ISO/IEC 19464, http://www.amqp.org).
 - Apache Qpid Proton 0.23.0 released http://qpid.apache.org

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that project-specific tracks and dedicated events co-located at 
ApacheCon North America include CloudStack Collaboration, Geospatial track, and 
TomcatCon? http://apachecon.com/acna18/

 - Did you know that Apache Ignite v2.5 scales to thousands-nodes clusters to 
meet the demands of massive mission-critical deployments? 

- Did you know that Amazon Web Services' Neptune uses Apache Tinkerpop graph 
computing framework? http://superset.incubator.apache.org/

Apache Community Notices:
 - The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 19 Years of Open Source Leadership 
"The Apache Way" https://s.apache.org/gK4Q

 - Read "Open – For Business – At the ASF" by Merv Adrian, VP Research at 

 - The Apache Software Foundation 2018 Vision Statement 

 - Apache in 2017 - By The Digits https://s.apache.org/h8do

 - Foundation Statement –Apache Is Open. https://s.apache.org/PIRA

 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just 
works". https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/category/SuccessAtApache

 - Please follow/like/re-tweet the ASF on social media: @TheASF on Twitter and 
on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-apache-software-foundation

 - Do friend and follow us on the Apache Community Facebook page 
https://www.facebook.com/ApacheSoftwareFoundation/and Twitter account 

 - The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at 

 - Open Expo Europe - 6-7 June 2018 in Madrid https://openexpoeurope.com/

 - We're teaming up the Apache Roadshow Europe with Berlin Buzzwords - 10-12 
June 2018 (Apache Lounge dates: 11-12 June) https://berlinbuzzwords.de/

 - The 2018 Apache EU Roadshow will be held during FOSS Backstage in Berlin 
13-14 June 2018 https://foss-backstage.de/

 - Apache Big Data project communities will be participating at DataWorks 
Summit 17-21 June 2018 in San Jose https://dataworkssummit.com/

 - ApacheCon North America will be held 24-27 September in Montreal 

 - Save the Date: Apache Roadshow DC and Open Source/Government/Cyber/Job Fair 
- 8 October 2018 in Fairfax, VA http://apachecon.com/

 - ASF Quarterly Report: Operations Summary: November 2017 - January 2018 

 - ASF Annual Report is available at https://s.apache.org/FY2017AnnualReport

 - Find out how you can participate with Apache community/projects/activities 
--opportunities open with Apache HTTP Server, Avro, ComDev (community 
development), Directory, Incubator, OODT, POI, Polygene, Syncope, Tika, 
Trafodion, and more! https://helpwanted.apache.org/

 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered 
By" logos http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby

= = =

For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to 
announce-subscr...@apache.org and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader 
spectrum from the Apache community, https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides 
an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of 
select ASF Committers.

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