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At yesterday's Board meeting, Phil Steitz was named Chairman of the ASF.
Steitz, a 12-year ASF Member and former Vice Chairman, succeeds Brett
Porter, who has served as ASF Chairman since June 2013. Porter will
continue in his role as a member of the ASF Board of Directors.

"I am super excited to have Phil take on the role of ASF Chairman, for
his depth of experience in the Apache community, significant experience
in the industry, and clear understanding of Open Source and open
development," said Brett Porter. "I thank the ASF Membership for giving
me the opportunity to serve as chair over the last few years --it's been

In addition, ASF co-founder Jim Jagielski has been appointed Vice
Chairman. Jagielski has held every officer position since the ASF
incorporated in 1999.

ASF Members elect the Board of Directors to run the Foundation and to
set and ensure policy. The Board of Directors are: Rich Bowen, Shane
Curcuru, Bertrand Delacretaz, Ted Dunning, Jim Jagielski, Chris
Mattmann, Brett Porter, Phil Steitz, and Mark Thomas.

In addition to Steitz and Jagielski, the ASF's corporate officers

 - President Sam Ruby
 - Executive Vice President Ross Gardler
 - Treasurer Ulrich Stärk
 - Secretary Craig Russell

The complete officer roster is available at

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