Hello, Libertarians of Virginia!

Thanks to the unprecedented number of people signing up with the Johnson/Weld 
campaign, we now find ourselves with the happy "problem" of having too many 
volunteers for the Virginia State Fair, which begins this weekend.

"How is it possible to have 'too many' volunteers?" you may ask.

Each booth volunteer costs us $8 for their fair ticket.  Based on previous 
years' volunteer turnout, we'd originally budgeted to have only 3 people 
covering the booth for each shift.

But this year we have enough volunteer interest to have at least TWICE as many 
people staffing our booth!  Additionally, most of the people who want to 
volunteer this year are new recruits from the Johnson/Weld campaign.  This is a 
tremendous opportunity for us to bring in a fresh wave of eager new activists 
to our party.

It would really suck if we had to turn most of them away because we didn't have 
enough fair tickets to go around.  

While $8 for each additional volunteer may not seem like a lot, it adds up fast 
if we want to triple the number of volunteer shifts available on weekends and 
double the number available on weekdays.

All the way up to $1,080.

While we do have some discretionary funds set aside for surprises like these, 
the state party is pretty tapped out after spending thousands of dollars on 
ballot access over the summer.

So we're asking you to please go to 
<http://contribute.lpva.com/>http://Contribute.LPVA.com right now and make a 

$8 sponsors 1 new volunteer

$40 sponsors 5 new volunteers

$80 sponsors 10 new volunteers

Not only will all the extra volunteer help make this year's LPVA State Fair 
booth the best one yet but these really are new-to-us volunteers.  We only have 
until Election Day to engage these people in LPVA activism before the 
campaign-provided tools for contacting and recruiting them disappear.

So your immediate donation of $8, $40, or $80 will not only increase the number 
of people staffing our State Fair booth this year, it will also provide us with 
1, 5, or 10 prospective new Libertarian Party members, activists, and 
candidates for the years to come as well.

Doesn't that sound like a GREAT investment? 


Let's get all the volunteers to the fair!

Thank you,
Jacqueline Mason
Project Volunteer

P.S.  Want to volunteer at the Virginia State Fair yourself?  Sign up at 

P.P.S.  Are you an experienced Libertarian Party booth volunteer?  We also need 
"Shift Leaders" to help us guide all the newbies!  Please contact State Fair 
Booth Coordinators Donna and Tony Grebas at 
<mailto:2016statef...@lpva.com>2016statef...@lpva.com or 

Have an announcement you'd like to post?  SCC members & many 
committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send 
your announcements to the List Master: <webmas...@lpva.com>
Unsubscribe: Send an email to sts...@lpva.com with no subject 
and "Unsubscribe Announce" as the text.
Libertarian Party of Virginia  http://www.LPVA.com
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