



WISPA has been participating in a research program about our industry with
the Carmel Group.  The Competitive Broadband Provider (CBP)/WISP Survey and
Report will be presented by them at WISPAPALOOZA 2016 in Las Vegas.

The Carmel Group is a 20-year-old consultancy focused on media and telecom,
and is currently completing an extensive Report about the CBP/WISP industry.
In 2003, The Carmel Group did a similar project involving a survey and a
report for the American Cable Association (ACA), a similar group of mostly
rural telecom providers.

The Report by The Carmel Group has the support and blessing of WISPA and
WCA, as well as the CBP/WISP industry's top manufacturers and operators.
The report and survey investigate all aspects of the CBP/WISP industry
today, from technical to financial, and from marketing to governmental.  It
is intended to best support CBPs/WISPs and the manufacturers that supply
them, by giving them data and analysis aimed at helping them succeed,
especially in the policy and financial areas.  As an example, the
information from the survey and report will be available to assist operators
by giving them statistics and data that are aimed at best telling their
stories in their constant efforts to grow and improve their networks
vis-a-vis sourcing new funding,

The presentation of the Carmel Group's survey and report should be one of
the highlights of WISPAPALOOZA 2016, and I hope it gives you even further
incentive to attend.

Alex Phillips
President, WISPA




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