Hi all, we're happy to announce that beta4 for 2.4.2 is now available
for testing.

How do you get it?

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

SHA256: 268393fabb4a8b1ee862e5d628c2029427321d5ffcbe3ecd570060fce001b122

You can also test against the git repository as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
$ cd ansible
$ git checkout v2.4.2.0-0.4.beta4

You can then source our testing script:

$ . hacking/env-setup

or you can build your own .tar.gz (output will be dist/ansible-

$ make sdist

If you discover any errors, or if you see any regressions from
playbooks which work on 2.4.1 and prior, please open a Github issue
and be sure to mention you're testing against this release candidate.

This is the last planned beta before 2.4.2 final.  Both major and
minor bugfixes can still be cherry-picked to the stable-2.4 branch
until Wednesday next week.  That's when we will be cutting 2.4.2rc1.
If no blocker bugs are discovered, 2.4.2 final will be out the
following week.

Remaining scheduled releases:

22nd November  -  2.4.2-rc1
29th November  -  2.4.2 final

Thanks for testing!

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