Hi all-

For all those wanting to test the next version of Ansible, we're happy
to announce that Ansible 2.10.0 alpha4 is now available on PyPI!

Ansible 2.10.0a4 pulls in the ansible-base package (currently at
version 2.10.0rc2 on PyPI) via a dependency and includes a range of
Ansible Collections. The Ansible 2.10 PyPI packages provide similar
functionality to Ansible 2.9 and earlier versions, but from multiple
sources. The included Ansible Collections are maintained by a host of
open source contributors who want to add to what ansible-base has to

For an overview of "Ansible Collections" and the differences between
`ansible-base` and `ansible`  please see

We need your help

This new `ansible` package *should* be a drop-in replacement for
Ansible 2.9. The roles and playbooks that you currently use should
work out of the box with ansible-2.10.0 alpha4.

Please let us know if:

* Your playbooks don't work
* There are any installation issues
* Whether the collections are found OK
* If the updated and new modules in the collections work

How to get it

Due to a limitation in pip, you need to uninstall Ansible 2.9 (or
earlier) before installing the 2.10 version:

$ pip uninstall ansible
$ pip install ansible==2.10.0a4 --user

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

* Ansible 2.10.0a4
  SHA256: ed67f19049e646f6eee8b244548c2565c0a9e18e228aaead5664ce3f6cb89e54

What's new in Ansible 2.10.0a4

We're working on producing a unified changelog for the Ansible-2.10.0
release.  In the meantime:

* Many of the included collections have been updated.  Please see the
list of dependent collections in the link below.

* List of collections included in the 2.10.0a4 release:
  * You can find more information for those on
https://galaxy.ansible.com/.  For instance, the community.crypto
collection listed in the acd-2.10.0a4.deps file has a galaxy page here
at https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/crypto/

* Changelog for ansible-base-2.10.0rc1 which this release of ansible installs:

Caveats and known bugs

* The individual collections that make up the ansible-2.10.0 package
can be viewed independently.  However, they aren't currently listed by
ansible-galaxy.  A workaround for this is to explicitly specify where
ansible has installed the collections::

    COLLECTION_INSTALL=$(python -c 'import ansible, os.path ;
print("%s/../ansible_collections" %
os.path.dirname(ansible.__file__))') ansible-galaxy collection list -p

  * A fix has been proposed but will not be merged before 2.10.0.
This is being tracked in this bug report:

* Due to a limitation in pip, you cannot `pip install --upgrade` from
ansible-2.9 or earlier to ansible-2.10 or higher.  Instead, you must
explicitly `pip uninstall ansible` before pip installing the new
version.  The install of the ansible package has been modified to warn
you if you attempt to upgrade via pip with instructions to uninstall

What's the schedule for the rest of the 2.10.0 release cycle?

The Ansible package depends on the Ansible-Base package so we're
planning on releasing it after Ansible-Base final.  The current
schedule for Ansible-Base (subject to change if blocker bugs are
found) places its release on 13-August-2020[1]_.  Based on that, our
current, **extremely tentative** schedule will see the ansible-2.10.0
final release on 22-September-2020.  However, there's still a lot of
room for that to change as we figure out just how much work and
coordination there is to do between ansible-base's 2.10.0 final
release and ansible's 2.10.0 final.

.. [1]: 

Porting Help

We're working on a unified porting guide for the Ansible 2.10.0 final
release.  Until then, use the ansible-base porting guide to get
familiar with the larger changes:


If you encounter any bugs, please report them at one of the following places:

* Bugs in ansible-base:  https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/new/choose
* Bugs in a module or plugin in a collection should be filed in the
relevant collection repo, normally one of the repos here:
* Bugs in the way the new ansible is packaged:

If you aren't sure where to file the bug, pick which you feel is
closest and the Community Team will always move it if needed


-Toshio Kuratomi

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