Hi all, we're happy to announce that RC2 for is now available
for testing.

How do you get it?

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

SHA256: Subject: Ansible 2.4.0 RC1 is ready for testing

Hi all, we're happy to announce that RC1 for 2.4.0 is now available for testing.

How do you get it?

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

SHA256: 3437c3262a5905e997555acdc2feaa7180b962943a4bee9c85a8c96bd498d9e8

You can also test against the git repository as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
$ cd ansible
$ git checkout v2.4.1.0-0.4.rc2

You can then source our testing script:

$ . hacking/env-setup

or you can build your own .tar.gz (output will be dist/ansible-

$ make sdist

If you discover any errors, or if you see any regressions from
playbooks which work on 2.4.0 and prior, please open a Github issue
and be sure to mention you're testing against this release candidate.


We had been hoping that we would release final this week but
unfortunately we discovered one regression in dealing with implicit
localhost [1]_ that we judged to be a release blocker.  So we've merged a fix
for that and released today.  If no further blockers are
discovered, we'll release 2.4.1 final next week.

.. _[1]: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/31857


Toshio Kuratomi

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