
I was trying out the Azure sample programs through ansible playbook and one 
of them is provided in the below link.

I was able to create the VM by following the steps mentioned in the above 
link README.md file by using ansible-playbook command.

I was trying to execute the same playbook vm_create.yml through Ansible 
Tower by setting the same environment variables in Credentials link in 
Tower by choosing "Microsoft Azure Resource Manager" Credential type and 
setting the Job. But I have been getting the below error always. I tried 
reinstalling ansible[azure] too but still the same error. 

"fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Do you have 
azure>=2.0.0 installed? Try `pip install ansible[azure]`- cannot import 
name MSIAuthentication"}

Please let me know the cause of this error and guide on how to fix the 
above error in Ansible Tower.


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