Hi Andy,

This isn't really the right group for general help using Ansible.  This
group is intended for questions related to developing Ansible or plugins.
There's a separate group ansible-project, which you also seem to have
posted to, which is better suited to these kinds of questions.
Additionally, there is also the forum: https://forum.ansible.com/

That said, while I'm not familiar with the AD plugin, it looks like the
"auto" plugin has attempted to use your inventory file and successfully
passed it onto the AD inventory plugin.  The problem appears to be in the
error/warning message:

On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 18:53, Andy Magana <andy.mag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [WARNING]:  * Failed to parse /home/ansible/inventories/microsoft.ad.ldap.yml
> with auto plugin: Configuration file does not specify default realm
> -1765328160

"Configuration file does not specify default realm -1765328160" is a
Kerberos error message, and likely means that the plugin tried to
authenticate to the LDAP server using GSSAPI (Kerberos), but failed due to
an authentication issue.  It's been a long time since I had much to do with
AD, but from what I recall AD generally doesn't like unauthenticated access
to the LDAP service component of AD, instead it expects kerberos based
authentication.  Your controller is likely looking for the kerberos
configuration in /etc/krb5.conf.  There's an example of someone trying to
configure the configuration for AD on the Red Hat access.redhat.com forums
which may be of help: https://access.redhat.com/discussions/3479491 .  I
don't expect you to need to join the controller to the domain, but you do
need to tell it enough information for it to contact the KDC service, so
that it can authenticate and obtain a TGT.

Mark Chappell
Senior Principal Systems Engineer, Red Hat GmbH

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