Hi all- we're happy to announce a beta release of the new ansible-base 2.10 
package is now available! The ansible-base package consists of only the 
Ansible execution engine, related tools (e.g. ansible-galaxy, 
ansible-test), and a very small set of built-in plugins. Most content that 
was part of Ansible has been split off into individual Ansible Collections, 
which can be installed via the ansible-galaxy tool, or a forthcoming 
Ansible community distribution that will snapshot a set of collections 
roughly equivalent to what was in previous versions of Ansible. Most 
Ansible playbooks and roles will require the installation of some of these 
collections to be able to execute unmodified under ansible-base 2.10.

How to get it

$ pip install ansible-base==2.10.0b1 --user

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

* ansible-base 2.10.0b1
  SHA256: c0cbf9681088bcc10d873502ea7054eaadea5db0bf10ebd4926f908f28868234

What's new in ansible-base 2.10.0b1

In addition to numerous bugfixes, most new Ansible features in the 2.10 
release enhance Ansible's support for external plugins via collections. 
They include:

* Collection declaration of supported/tested Ansible versions
* Transparent redirection of plugins formerly included in Ansible to their 
destination collections
* Installation of collections from git repositories
* Various enhancements of test tooling

These features support our goal of allowing Ansible content that was 
written for previous versions of Ansible to run unmodified under 2.10, once 
the necessary collections are installed.

The full changelog is at:



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