Hi all, we're happy to announce that Beta1 for 2.4.3 is now available
for testing.

How do you get it?

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

SHA256: efa23c7303d3a974c351b3ffc1d8d87a4d11dfd71798dd8902bbf22161802568

You can also test against the git repository as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
$ cd ansible
$ git checkout v2.4.3.0-0.1.beta1

You can then source our testing script:

$ . hacking/env-setup

or you can build your own .tar.gz (output will be dist/ansible-

$ make sdist

If you discover any errors, or if you see any regressions from
playbooks which work on 2.4.2 and prior, please open a Github issue
and be sure to mention you're testing against this release candidate.


The number of bugfixes for 2.4.x has slowed considerably.  Unless a
major bug is discovered, my plan for 2.4.3 is to have a roughly two
month release cycle (instead of 1 month) with betas every two weeks
(instead of 1 week).  Release candidates will still be 1 week apart.

Tentative release schedule for 2.4.3

Beta1      6 Dec
Beta2     20 Dec
Beta3      3 Jan
RC1       10 Jan
Final/RC2 17 Jan
Final/RC3 24 Dec


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