In the below playbook, I specify that ansible should run with the nginx 
user, but at the end when the task is run and I check in the process, I see 
that the last process runs with root.

Also, when I try to override this by adding become nginx on that last user, 
the scripts stops working and eventually shows a timeout.

I have the below playbook, the problem is that last task that is supposed 
to start the process does not run the process as the NGINX_USER, it always 
runs as root, which was never specified anywhere. I check with `ps aux | 
grep nginx`. And when it does this I get a `Forbidden error`.

And when I try to force it to become user like in the commented out code, 
it gets stuck and won't complete.

How do I ensure that ansbile always runs with the correct users. I am not 
sure how to fix this.


- name: Install Nginx Ubuntu
      hosts: all
      remote_user: "{{ NGINX_USER }}"
      become: yes
      become_method: sudo
      gather_facts: no
      connection: ssh
        NGINX_VERSION: nginx-1.17.10
        NGINX_SBIN_PATH: /usr/sbin/
        NGINX_ERROR_LOG_PATH: /var/log/nginx/error.log
        NGINX_HTTP_LOG_PATH: /var/log/nginx/access.log
        NGINX_PID_PATH: /var/run/
        - ../vars/global.yaml
        - name: Check if Nginx Exists
          stat: path=/etc/init.d/nginx
          register: nginx_status
        - name: Stop nginx Service
          service: name=nginx state=stopped
          when: nginx_status.stat.exists
          register: service_stopped
        - name: Make sure a systemd is not running
            state: stopped
            name: nginx
        - name: Install aptitude using apt
            name: aptitude
            state: latest
            update_cache: yes
            force_apt_get: yes
        - name: Update apt repo
            update_cache: yes
            cache_valid_time: 3600
        - name: Install required system packages
          apt: name={{ item }} state=latest update_cache=yes
        - name: Download nginx source
            url: "{{ NGINX_VERSION }}.tar.gz"
            dest: "/tmp/{{ NGINX_VERSION }}.tar.gz"
        - name: Unpacking NGINX
            copy: no
            dest: /tmp/
            src: "/tmp/{{ NGINX_VERSION }}.tar.gz"
        - name: Configure NGINX source with custom modules
          command: "./configure  --prefix=/nginx --sbin-path={{ 
NGINX_SBIN_PATH }} --error-log-path={{ NGINX_ERROR_LOG_PATH }} 
--http-log-path={{ NGINX_HTTP_LOG_PATH }} --with-pcre
          --pid-path={{ NGINX_PID_PATH }} --with-http_ssl_module 
            chdir: "/tmp/{{ NGINX_VERSION }}"
        - name: Make NGINX
          become: yes
          shell: make && make install
            chdir: "/tmp/{{ NGINX_VERSION }}"
        - name: Create directories"
            path: "{{ item.dir }}"
            state: directory
            owner: "{{ item.owner }}"
            group: "{{ }}"
            mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
            - { dir: "/usr/local/nginx/html", owner: "{{ SYSTEM_USER }}", 
group: "{{ SYSTEM_USER_GROUP }}", mode: 755}
            - { dir: "/nginx", owner: "{{ NGINX_USER }}", group: "{{ 
NGINX_USER }}", mode: 755}
        - name: Copy nginx files
            src: "{{ item.src }}"
            dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
            owner: "{{ NGINX_USER }}"
            group: "{{ NGINX_USER }}"
            mode: 755
            # - { src: "./conf/nginx.conf", dest: "{{ NGINX_CONF_PATH }}" }
            - { src: "./www/", dest: "/nginx/html" }
            - { src: "./scripts/nginx.service", dest: "/lib/systemd/system/
nginx.service" }
        - name: Start NGINX
          # become: true
          # become_user: "{{ NGINX_USER }}"
          # become_method: sudo
            state: started
            name: nginx

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