Hi there,

say I get a new instance somewhere that allows logins as root. I want
to run a playbook that configures the machine and no longer allows
root logins. And I want it to be idempotent. ;-)

Consider this mock-up playbook:

- hosts: foobar
    ansible_user: root
    - name: "Change sshd configuration and no longer allow root logins"

- hosts: foobar
    ansible_user: bob
    - name: "Do stuff as bob via sudo..."

If I run this twice, the second run fails, as root is no longer
allowed after the first run.

How to determine gracefully, if root is allowed to login or not?
Apparently the "unreachable" error can not be ignored (ignore_errors
or failed_when: false) and this always fails.

For a port change in sshd I would use this and check, if it fails:
    port: "22"
    state: "started"
    host: "foobar"
    connect_timeout: "5"
    timeout: "10"
  register: "some_variable"
  ignore_errors: "true"
  delegate_to: localhost

How to do this for a username change, not for a port change?


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