in a classical case of rubber duck debbuging, I found a possible answer 
seconds after posting my message 

- name: "Install client openvpn credentials"
    src: "{{ inventory_dir+'/host_vars/'+inventory_hostname+'/openvpn.'+ 
item }}"
    dest: "/etc/openvpn/{{ hostname }}.{{ item }}"
    mode: 0755
    - crt
    - key
    - foo

I am still interested to know if this is a proper solution and if not what 
is the idiomatic/recommended way to handle this case. 


On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 11:52:08 AM UTC+2, Jean Helou wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am using ansible 2.5, I have gone through the best practices 
> <>
> but I fail to understand how I am supposed to properly handle 
> *host-specific* files. 
> My exact use case is handling vpn certificates for computers embedded in 
> cars. the vpn lets the cars talk to our internal servers.
> Each deployed car has it's own vpn certificate and key allowing for 
> individual revocation. The .crt and the .key files really are host 
> specific. 
> Here is the tree I thought I could use : 
> .
> ├── inventories
> │   ├── group_vars
> │   │   └── mygroup
> │   └── host_vars
> │       └── demo-box
> │           ├── demo-box.crt
> │           ├── demo-box.key
> │           └── demo-box.yml
> ├── playbook.yml
> ├── playbooks
> │   └── setup.yml
> └── roles
>     └── linux
>         └── openvpn
>             ├── defaults
>             │   └── main.yml
>             ├── files
>             ├── meta
>             │   └── main.yml
>             └── tasks
>                 └── main.yml
> Unfortunately I can't seem to get the copy plugin to properly resolve the 
> .key and .crt files (the host vars are indeed processed) 
> my initial naive attempt for the tasks/main.yml was 
> - name: "Install client openvpn credentials"
>   copy:
>     src: "openvpn.{{item}}"
>     dest: "/etc/openvpn/{{ hostname }}.{{ item }}"
>     mode: 0755
>   with_items:
>     - crt
>     - key
>   tags:
>     - foo
> When running ansible-playbook -i inventories/test.lst playbook.yml I get 
> the follwing error
> AnsibleFileNotFound: Could not find or access 'openvpn.crt'
> Searched in:
> /home/ansible/ansible/roles/linux/openvpn/files/openvpn.crt
> /home/ansible/ansible/roles/linux/openvpn/openvpn.crt
> /home/ansible/ansible/roles/linux/openvpn/tasks/files/openvpn.crt
> /home/ansible/ansible/roles/linux/openvpn/tasks/openvpn.crt
> /home/ansible/ansible/playbooks/files/openvpn.crt
> /home/ansible/ansible/playbooks/openvpn.crt
> So it seems that unlike vars, default file lookup doesn't look into 
> inventory_dir at all. and also that using a top level file directory  like 
> in 
> in not going to work. Adding playbook_vars_root = all to ansible.cfg 
> doesn't help either as it seem to only apply to vars.
> Based on 
> I tried using lookup like so 
> - name: "Install client openvpn credentials"
>     src: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/host_vars/' + 
> inventory_hostname + '/openvpn.'+ item ) }}"
>     dest: "/etc/openvpn/{{ hostname }}.{{ item }}"
>     mode: 0755
>   with_items:
>     - crt
>     - key
> but that doesn't seem to be valid anymore in 2.5 (I get an error about 
> quotes but can't spot a quoting error) and this syntax is totally absent 
> from 2.5 documentation.
> What is the "official" recommendation for this use case ? 
> I guess I could create 2 string vars for the key and crt files and use 
> ansible-vault encrypt-string instead of encrypt to secure the key. This is 
> a relatively painful process (as opposed to simply copying the files over 
> to the proper host folder) and we have tens of systems to retrofit into 
> ansible. I was hoping there would be a better solution for host-specfic 
> credential files. 
> thanks
> jean

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