Not sure what you mean. You are saying a service call to stop can change a 
configuration file that is not really related. This is what I think you 
mean. someservice can sometimes change /etc/sometimesrc

# Capture the MD5 or something similar in one task before stopping the 
service (Linux, OS X and other may have an `md5` command)
- command: md5sum /etc/sometimesrc
  register: original_md5
  changed_when: false  # Never report changed for this task

- service: name=someservice state=stopped  # Can cause file to be changed?

# line in stdout should be exactly the same unless the MD5 sum changes
- command: md5sum /etc/sometimesrc
  register: md5sum
  changed_when: new_md5.stdout != original_md5.stdout

# Copy the file conditionally, only if the MD5 sum changed because of 
stopping the process
- copy: src=mysometimesrc dest=/etc/sometimesrc
  when: md5sum.changed

On Tuesday, 8 July 2014 07:32:37 UTC-7, Glen Huang wrote:
> I have a service that overwrites config when it stops. Is it possible to 
> tell ansible that if a config file changes it should stop the service first 
> before copying the file?

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