try to set owner=no group=no in the synchronize task.

The uid & gid from your host are not reflected on your target system.
Also, you could condense like:

file: path=/var/www/html/munki_repo/{{ item }} state=directory owner=munki 
group=munki recurse=yes
  - catalogs
  - icons

On Monday, 23 March 2015 18:17:37 UTC+1, wrote:
> I'm trying to copy over files with rsync. file creates main directory and 
> any additional as catalogs. Owner and permission are set correctly. For 
> now I only have a file in the catalogs directory. When synchronize kicks 
> in it copies over the file, but changes the ownership of the directory and 
> file to 1343414997:1778475765.
>>     - name: create directory
>>       file: path=/var/www/html/munki_repo state=directory owner=munki 
>> group=munki
>>     - name: additional directories
>>       file: path=/var/www/html/munki_repo/catalogs state=directory 
>> owner=munki group=munki
>     - name: additional directories
>>       file: path=/var/www/html/munki_repo/icons state=directory 
>> owner=munki group=munki 
>>     - name: rsync
>>       synchronize: 
>> src=/Users/niko.stojanovski/vagrant/vagrant-centos-6.5/munki_repo 
>> dest=/var/www/html/munki_repo recursive=yes rsync_path="sudo rsync"

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