Hi all

Got a weird issue where I'm trying upload a bash script as user-data - via 
the launch config module.

Any help regarding this is appreciated - even if it's a method of debugging 
this - there are no errors which is why I'm confused. 

I'm sucking in the user-data as a file which seems fine as ansible reports 
no errors. 

However, the instance launched doesn't show any user-data as registered and 
the launch config web console does not tell me anything about my file. 

The output from ansible is below:

TASK: [lc | Launch Configs] 
ok: [localhost] => (item={'instance_type': u't2.small', 
'lc_security_groups': u'sg-b1423ad4', 'image_id': u'ami-edfd6e9a', 
'lc_name': 'OpenVPNAS', 'assign_public_ip': True, 'user_data': 
u'#!/bin/bash\n\n# Setup the ansible repo\napt-get install 
software-properties-common\napt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible\n# 
Refresh apt\napt-get update\n# Install ansible\napt-get install ansible\n# 
Setup env vars\necho "localhost" > ~/ansible_hosts\nexport 
ANSIBLE_HOSTS=~/ansible_hosts\n# Setup ssh for git pull\nmkdir 
/root/.ssh\n\nSSH_PRIV="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE 
RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"\nKNOWN_HOSTS=\'github.com, ssh-rsa 
$SSH_PRIV > /root/.ssh/id_rsa\nchmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa\n\necho 
$KNOWN_HOSTS > /root/.ssh/known_hosts\nchmod 644 
/root/.ssh/known_hosts\nchown -R root /root/.ssh\n\nansible-pull -C master 
-U git://github.com/trainsmart/ansible.git -d /root/ansible\nexit 0'})

When I ssh to the launched instance, there is nothing in cloud-init to tell 
me that any user data is present:

root@ip-172-16-0-125:/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-5b761dbd# cat user-data.txt

I'm wondering if I need to supply the file in some format other than 
"normal" but the ec2_lc module documentation isn't very explicit about 
this. From what I read, you just need to supply the file as a "normal" text 
file, not a mime formatted blob. 

ansible version: ansible 1.8.4 
environment: OSX Yosemite

Any help regarding this is appreciated - even if it's a method of debugging 
this - there are no errors which is why I'm confused. 

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