Hi everyone!

I have this macro in jinja2 template to generate xml configs:

{%- macro print_opts(options, indent='  ', count=0) %}
{% for key in options.keys() | sort %}
  {% set value = options[key] %}
  {% if value is string %}
    {{- indent*count }}{{ key }} {{ '"' + value.split('\t') | join('" "') + 
'"' }}
  {% elif value in [true, false] %}
    {{- indent*count }}{{ key }} {{ value | lower }}
  {% elif value is number %}
    {{- indent*count }}{{ key }} {{ value }}
  {% elif value is mapping %}
    {{- indent*count }}<{{ key }}>
    {{ print_opts(value, indent, count+1) -}}
    {{- indent*count }}</{{ key.split()[0] }}>
  {% elif value is sequence %}
    {% for i in value | sort -%}
      {{ print_opts({key: i}, indent, count) -}}
    {%- endfor %}
  {% else %}
    {{- indent*count }}{{ key }} "{{ value }}"
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

This macro works good with Python2 but I need to add support for Python3 
The problem is that Python3 has some differences in comparison of 
dictionaries and fails when I have a list of dicts here:

  {% elif value is sequence %}
    {% for i in value | sort -%}
      {{ print_opts({key: i}, indent, count) -}}
    {%- endfor %}

unorderable types: dict() < dict()"}

I've tried to create a custom sort filter using original jinja  sort filter
from jinja2._compat import string_types
from operator import itemgetter

def environmentfilter(f):
       f.environmentfilter = True
    return f

def do_sort(environment, value, reverse=False, case_sensitive=False,

    if not case_sensitive:
        def sort_func(item):
            if isinstance(item, string_types):
                item = item.lower()
            return item
        sort_func = None

    if attribute is not None:
        getter = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute)
        def sort_func(item, processor=sort_func or (lambda x: x)):
            return processor(getter(item))

    if isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], dict):
        return sorted(value, key=lambda x:sorted(x.keys()), reverse=reverse)
        return sorted(value, key=sort_func, reverse=reverse)

class FilterModule(object):
    custom jinja2 sort filter

    def filters(self):
        return {
            'sort2': do_sort

but something wrong here, seems it works for python2 but not for python3 - 
sorting doesn't work here - output file has random order after each ansible 
running and changed each time.

Maybe someone will advise some other solutions to make this macro work on 
both versions


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