Here is the output of df -k from the target server: 

ok: [myhostone] => (item={u'block_used': 2857014, u'uuid': 
> u'3fa1ec29-aca5-476b-8041-6a7bc6b1efc2', u'size_total': 52701921280, 
> u'block_total': 12866680, u'mount': u'/ihs', u'block_available': 10009666, 
> u'size_available': 40999591936, u'fstype': u'ext4', u'inode_total': 
> 3276800, u'inode_available': 3264353, u'device': u'/dev/mapper/ihs_vg_yt', 
> u'inode_used': 12447, u'block_size': 4096, u'options': 
> u'rw,seclabel,relatime,stripe=256,data=ordered'}) => {
> "ansible_facts": {
> "_raw_params": "myhostone_/ihs: 28.5"
> },
> "ansible_loop_var": "item",
> "changed": false,
> "item": {
> "block_available": 10009666,
> "block_size": 4096,
> "block_total": 12866680,
> "block_used": 2857014,
> "device": "/dev/mapper/ihs_vg_yt",
> "fstype": "ext4",
> "inode_available": 3264353,
> "inode_total": 3276800,
> "inode_used": 12447,
> "mount": "/ihs",
> "options": "rw,seclabel,relatime,stripe=256,data=ordered",
> "size_available": 40999591936,
> "size_total": 52701921280,
> "uuid": "3fa1ec29-aca5-476b-8041-6a7bc6b1efc2"

I wish to get Use percentage for /ihs mount which is 19%.

Here is my playbook code:

- name: Generate JSON data set_fact: "{{ ansible_host }}_{{ item.mount }}: {{ 
(100 * ((item.size_total - item.size_available) / item.size_available)) | 
round(1, 'common') }}" when: item.mount == '/ihs' with_items: '{{ 
ansible_mounts }}'

However, the output of my playbook run shows 28.5 % usage instead of 19%:

ok: [myhostone] => (item={u'block_used': 2857014, u'uuid': 
u'3fa1ec29-aca5-476b-8041-6a7bc6b1efc2', u'size_total': 52701921280, 
u'block_total': 12866680, u'mount': u'/ihs', u'block_available': 10009666, 
u'size_available': 40999591936, u'fstype': u'ext4', u'inode_total': 3276800, 
u'inode_available': 3264353, u'device': u'/dev/mapper/ihs_vg_yt', 
u'inode_used': 12447, u'block_size': 4096, u'options': 
u'rw,seclabel,relatime,stripe=256,data=ordered'}) => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "_raw_params": "myhostone_/ihs: 28.5"
    "ansible_loop_var": "item",
    "changed": false,
    "item": {
        "block_available": 10009666,
        "block_size": 4096,
        "block_total": 12866680,
        "block_used": 2857014,
        "device": "/dev/mapper/ihs_vg_yt",
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "inode_available": 3264353,
        "inode_total": 3276800,
        "inode_used": 12447,
        "mount": "/ihs",
        "options": "rw,seclabel,relatime,stripe=256,data=ordered",
        "size_available": 40999591936,
        "size_total": 52701921280,
        "uuid": "3fa1ec29-aca5-476b-8041-6a7bc6b1efc2"

Can you please tell me why is the percentage of used disk shows 28.5% with 
ansible while the df -k shows only 19% used? How can I get the correct 
usage i.e 19% to s

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