Re: [ansible-project] trying to parse a dict to add users: missing something easy...

2017-01-31 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi Dan, 1. If you use a quote at the start, you should close it only at the end. So this should work: when: "{{ item['status'] }} == 'enabled'" 2. In line above, you don't need {{ and thus quotes, when using when: 'always use {{ }} except when

Re: [ansible-project] How to use with_items loop with vmware_guest module

2017-01-31 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi Matti, You've created a dictionary instead of a list. Check this document: The proper use of "with_items" needs a list like this: vmware_guest_disks: - size_gb: 20 datastore: datastore1 - size_gb: 1 datastore: datastore1 -

Re: [ansible-project] How to use with_items loop with vmware_guest module

2017-01-31 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Now I realized that you probably wanted to use with_dict instead of with_items. In that case, you would need the "value" part: Cheers, Marko

Re: [ansible-project] How to put period between two variables

2017-02-07 Thread Stankovic, Marko
You are looking for the "bracket notation", as described here: So, this should work in your example: "{{ groups[][0] }}" Cheers, Marko CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of

Re: [ansible-project] Re: when condition on a variable starting with a string value

2017-02-07 Thread Stankovic, Marko
I know this is weird, but can't think of something better: - set_fact: distrib: "{{ distribsrv }}" Directoryname: "{{ Directorysrv }}" when: dual | regex_replace( '^SRV.*', 'True') | bool Cheers, Marko CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game

Re: [ansible-project] what is

2017-02-02 Thread Stankovic, Marko
If you check the original You'll see there are real double quotes in places you see It looks like an escaping error within the Ansible Galaxy site to me. Cheers, Marko

Re: [ansible-project] default for undefined dict

2017-02-08 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, Try with this: {% for instance in instances %} pgservice : {{ (instance['mgservices'] | default(default_mgservice))['name'] }} {% endfor %} Cheers, Marko CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game Technology PLC and/or its subsidiaries and may contain

Re: [ansible-project] how to use ansible galaxy roles

2017-02-03 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, The problem is caused by using "bare" variable in "with_items" in line 7 and few more lines below: This file is last updated on Nov 4, 2014 when this was allowed, but it's not anymore:

Re: [ansible-project] async fails after running vsphere_guest

2017-01-25 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Nearly the same, but you missed the fact that sleeper1 variable contains "result": "When using register with a loop, the data structure placed in the variable will contain a results attribute that is a list of all responses from the module."

Re: [ansible-project] Ansible script work with array

2017-01-20 Thread Stankovic, Marko
u'3' means that the value is a string (unicode). Try with: {{ array[int(item)]['contactId'] }} __ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game Technology PLC

Re: [ansible-project] deployment notifications - for all cases - OK and failed.

2017-02-23 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, Maybe Slack callback plugin would work better for you? Enable it by adding slack to the callback_whitelist in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg Here's documentation from the plugin itself:

Re: [ansible-project] lineinfile with serial is overwriting the data

2017-02-23 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, The lineinfile documentation says: "Normally this module uses atomic operations to prevent data corruption or inconsistent reads from the target files, sometimes systems are configured or just broken in ways that prevent this." But I

Re: [ansible-project] True or false debug msg

2017-02-17 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, You can use jinja2 template: - debug: msg: "File {% if file_info.stat.exists %}exists{% else %}doesn't exist{% endif %}." More info: Cheers, Marko CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game Technology PLC

Re: [ansible-project] vars_prompt in Ansible

2017-02-09 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, I'm not getting a syntax error with default: "{{ username }}" It works (the default value is assigned if no input), but the default value is not templated in the prompt. This is printed instead: Please enter group name for user: [{{ username }}]: I believe it's related to this issue:

Re: [ansible-project] Calling a dictionary based on an existing variable

2017-02-17 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, How about having three files in vars directory (eg. pvs_vars.yml, stage_vars.yml, prod_vars.yml) with the same variable in it (ldapserver) and using include_vars module this way: - include_vars: "{{ env }}_vars.yml" More info:

Re: [ansible-project] Create a Array of integer

2017-02-17 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, I tested this (note the '|list' part at the point of variable usage, because I couldn't fit it in set_fact): --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - set_fact: uidRange: "[{% for index in range(50,60) %}'test{{ index }}',{% endfor %}]" - debug: var: uidRange|list And got this

Re: [ansible-project] Ansible script work with array

2017-01-20 Thread Stankovic, Marko
You're welcome. I just figured out we were scratching our right ear with left hand. The same result can be accomplished by using with_items: "{{ array }}" Then you can access the attributes by item.contactId and item.contactAccount: - set_fact: msg: "{{ item.contactId }}" with_items: "{{

Re: [ansible-project] Ansible script work with array

2017-01-20 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Sorry, I posted the solution without trying it. It's not int(item), but item | int(). So, this works for me: msg: "{{ array[item | int()]['contactId'] }}" __ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message

Re: [ansible-project] How to use include_vars with "name=" in playbook?

2016-11-04 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Kai Stian Olstad is right. If you remove this part: shared: "{{ common }}" the user1 variable won't be undefined. Cheers, Marko __ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of

Re: [ansible-project] Ansible Can not handle .tar.gz file and gives error

2016-12-09 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi Balu, If you did something like this: wget then you've downloaded the html page saying you have to accept the OTN license terms. Can you check the filesize of the downloaded file? If your file is 100+MB then

Re: [ansible-project] MODULE FAILURE using Replace and with_together

2016-12-01 Thread Stankovic, Marko
I'm sorry, that was wrong solution. Cheers, Marko __ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game Technology PLC and/or its subsidiaries and may contain

Re: [ansible-project] MODULE FAILURE using Replace and with_together

2016-12-01 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi, The last sed has an unescaped single quote. You should replace this: sed "s/'//g" with this: sed "s/"'"//g" That's a single quote surrounded by double quotes. Backslash won't work. You'll find some explanations here:

Re: [ansible-project] Ack! Color! Make it stop!

2016-12-07 Thread Stankovic, Marko
To do this forever, uncomment (or add) this line in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg: nocolor = 1 Documentation: Cheers, Marko __

Re: [ansible-project] Re: with_items and register in a role/main.yml

2016-12-07 Thread Stankovic, Marko
Hi Stewart, First: including only "copy_release" tag makes ansible skip the first task, as it's tagged only with "copy_files". Second: you can also use with_filetree lookup (introduced in Ansible 2.2) or

Re: [ansible-project] Includes with limits and tags?

2017-03-03 Thread Stankovic, Marko
There's this feature request related to your question: Cheers, Marko CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is the property of International Game Technology PLC and/or its subsidiaries and may contain proprietary, confidential or trade secret