Hi Everyone,

I would like to close this issue, as it is resolved. 

On Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 4:09:30 PM UTC+5:30, Ajay Sharma wrote:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1Ssrcmsjhp0/Wnwn3QoHRHI/AAAAAAAAAD8/DaNnDjBJmtkfel6xWETmISCI7bK-u-yXgCLcBGAs/s1600/vmware_guest.JPG>
> HI Everyone. this Ansible yaml script creates vmware vm from previous 
> template, but does not changes its host name.  also creates a additional 
> folder named 
> here is the screen shot attached. The vmware_guest module creates 
> Testmachine, but the hostname of the machine remains same when i login to 
> centos machine. 
> also creates a junk folder named as  
> "replica-e040a406-2f24-4c53-b719-67f42c1b9115"
> Thanks in Advance. please give some solution. here is my yaml script 
> attached. 
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1Ssrcmsjhp0/Wnwn3QoHRHI/AAAAAAAAAD8/DaNnDjBJmtkfel6xWETmISCI7bK-u-yXgCLcBGAs/s1600/vmware_guest.JPG>
> cat us_vm.yaml
> ---
> - name: Deploy VM on 172.XX.X.XXX
>   hosts: localhost
>   gather_facts: no
>   vars_prompt:
>   - name: templatename
>     prompt: Supply template name
>     private: no
>   - name: vm_name
>     prompt: Supply VM Name to Be Created
>     default: "TestMachine"
>     private: no
>   tasks:
>     - name: Create a VM from USA template
>       vmware_guest:
>         hostname: 172.17.X.XXX
>         username: XXXX\XXXXX
>         password: XXXXd1
>         datacenter: OSC-US-Datacenter-Other
>         validate_certs: no
>         folder: /VMwareViewComposerReplicaFolder
>         name: "{{vm_name}}"
>         state: poweredon
>         template: "{{templatename}}"
>         disk:
>           - size_gb: 50
>             type: thin
>             datastore: 3PAR_Datastore01
>         hardware:
>           memory_mb: 512
>           num_cpus: 1
>           scsi: paravirtual
>         networks:
>           - name: "OSC VLAN 4"
>             type: dhcp
>         customization:
> #         dns_servers:
> #         - 172.16.XX.XX
> #         - 172.16.XX.XX
>          dns_suffix: XXXX.XXXXXield.com
>          hostname: "{{vm_name}}"
>         wait_for_ip_address: no
>       delegate_to: localhost
>       register: deploy
> [root@OSIANSIBLEIND instance]#

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