Well it turns out you can.  Here's a hacky playbook to tweak the timeout

# This playbook is intended to modify winrm parameters
# this is involved because changing winrm properties isn't allowed over 
# so the play uses a scheduled task to do it

- hosts: windows-boxes
  gather_facts: true
    - name: display current minute of the hour
         var: ansible_date_time.minute

    - name: fail if its near the top of the hour because I am too lazy to 
handle special case of trying to run in 1 minute after 15:59
      fail: msg="re-run a couple of minutes its not a good time to run a 
scheduled task"
      when: ansible_date_time.minute|int > 58

    - name: fetch original configuration
      raw: winrm get winrm/config
      register: old_configuration

    - name: show original configuration
         var: old_configuration
    - name: set time scheduled fact
        scheduled_time: "{{ ansible_date_time.hour|string}}:{{ (1 + 
ansible_date_time.minute|int) |string}}"

    - name: schedule the config change
      win_scheduled_task: name="Configure winrm timeouts 1" execute="winrm" 
frequency="daily" time="{{ scheduled_time }}" description="fix up winrm 
timeouts 1" enable=yes state=present user=SYSTEM argument='set winrm/config 
@{MaxTimeoutms = "36000000"}'

    - name: wait for 2 minutes for the scheduled task to run
      pause: minutes=2

    - name: reboot the box to pick up new configuration

    - name: disable and remove the scheduled task
      win_scheduled_task: name="Configure winrm timeouts 1" execute="winrm" 
frequency="daily" time="{{ scheduled_time }}" description="fix up winrm 
timeouts 1" enable=no state=absent user=SYSTEM argument='set winrm/config 
@{MaxTimeoutms = "36000000"}'

    - name: fetch updated configuration
      raw: winrm get winrm/config
      register: new_configuration

    - name: show updated configuration
         var: new_configuration

On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 11:24:15 AM UTC+1, J Hawkesworth wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone managed to successfully reconfigure winrm remotely via a 
> playbook?  I need to up some timeouts and increase the MaxMemoryPerShellMB 
> I know that reconfiguring winrm is one of the things that is specifically 
> disallowed over winrm remoting, but I imagine a scheduled task could do it. 
>  I'm aware you also have to restart winrm, but in my case I could happily 
> wait through a win_reboot.  Reconfiguring it manually via RDP is not really 
> an option - too many servers to change!
> Many thanks,
> Jon

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