By changing the *started* to *restarted *in the task file make the problem 
go away.

- name: Start Tomcat
  service: name=tomcat state=started enabled=yes

- name: Start Tomcat
  service: name=tomcat state=restarted enabled=yes

On Monday, 14 September 2015 17:50:06 UTC+5:30, Irfan Sayed wrote:
> Hi,
> I am learning ansible. i have download the standalone tomcat example : 
> i am able to successfully deploy the tomcat/java and other tasks.
> however, tomcat service is not getting started through ansible. Though, 
> manually i can start tomcat.
> i am not getting what is the issue? i have verified other issues like 
> permission, firewall, iptables etc but no luck .
> when goggled , i got this : 
> but, still i am facing the issue. 
> i have taken the latest code of this tomcat module. 
> ansible version: ansible 1.9.2
> please suggest. i am stuck
> Regards
> Irfan

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