
[Although the winner of the election, the party of
former president Vladimir Meciar, won't be allowed in
any future government - by orders of Lord Robertson
and US Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Burns.
Europe's democratic mainstream, indeed.]

NATO chief welcomes 'wise decision' by Slovak voters 

-Robertson said there was "clear evidence" that Slovak
voters had followed his advice to become part of
Europe's democratic mainstream.

BRUSSELS, Oct 3 (AFP) - NATO Secretary General George
Robertson on Thursday hailed the outcome of a
legislative election in Slovakia last month, which
gave the majority of parliamentary seats to parties
who back rapid integration of the country into NATO.

"It was a very wise decision that the people of
Slovakia took in these elections and it has been well
noticed," Robertson told journalists in Brussels.

Robertson said there was "clear evidence" that Slovak
voters had followed his advice to become part of
Europe's democratic mainstream.

"I think that there was a collective sigh of relief by
the continent of Europe by what happened in Slovakia
and I think that it is very good news for the people
of Slovakia," he added.

"In particular, they are part of a democratic
mainstream of Europe today and they voted to be part
of that integration that is going to be the way that
stability and prosperity will be guaranteed in the

Robertson remained cautious about Slovakia's prospects
for NATO membership. The issue was currently being
examined by the members of the 19-nation defence
alliance and a decision would be taken by their heads
of state and government, he said.

But the result of the Slovak election had not gone
unnoticed in NATO capitals, he said.

Four centre-right parties that back Slovakia's rapid
integration into the European Union and the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation won 78 of the 150-seat
parliament in the September 21-22 vote.

Slovakia expects to be invited to join NATO at an
alliance summit in Prague on November 21-22.

A small country of 5.4 million inhabitants, Slovakia
is one of 12 countries negotiating to join the
European Union, most of them hoping to become members
in 2004.

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