
BAGHDAD, April 24 (AFP) - Public praise for President Saddam
Hussein, "the eternal spring ... the sun of the Arabs", is scaling
new heights as Iraq prepares to celebrate his 65th birthday on

Shopkeepers along Baghdad's Al-Saadun Street have hung
banners extolling the virtues of their defiant president, who has
been in power since 1979 and holds an array of posts from
secretary general of the ruling Baath party to prime minister and
commander in chief of the armed forces.

"Saddam Hussein is the gift of Iraq", "Saddam Hussein is poetry
and homeland", "Saddam Hussein is a great leader for a
prestigious people", they read.

"Happy birthday mister president," proclaims one banner draped
at the entrance of the Sindbad cinema, which shows three films
a day, two American and one Arab, for a single ticket costing 500
dinars (25 US cents).

The sidewalk poster of US film star Demi Moore is appealing.
"That's to draw in the clients, but erotic scenes in the film
Striptease are censored," ticket salesman Iyad Mohammad

For Mohammad, who sells more than 100 tickets a day,
Saddam's birthday is a "lucky occasion for all Iraqis because his
achievements as leader of our country cannot be counted.

"Every Iraqi" rejects US threats to topple Saddam's regime, he
said as shoeshine boys stood idle nearby while an old blind
man leaning on his cane sold boxes of matches and a toothless
beggar persistently solicited passers-by.

"We are all ready to defend out country."

Washington, charging that Iraq is again developing weapons of
mass destruction in the absence of international arms
inspections, is threatening to overthrow Saddam.

Saddam Hussein was born on April 28, 1937 in Takrit, in the
province of Salahedin, 170 kilometres (105 miles) north of

Since the United Nations slapped a crippling sanctions regime
on Iraq for invading Kuwait in 1990, Saddam's birthdays have
assumed an increasingly grandiose scale.

Inspired by Saddam's warrior-like, pro-Palestinian speeches, a
cloth banner flaps across the entrance of a chemist shop: "Iraq
is Palestine: a single people and a fight that continues against

"We mark the president's birthday each year, but this time we
have highlighted Iraq's solidarity with the Palestinian people,"
said shop owner Zhafer Ahmad.

"US threats do not scare us. Thirty-three states attacked us and
we are still here," Ahmad said, referring to the US-led
international coalition that expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait in
the 1991 Gulf War.

That was the second war Saddam and his regime oversaw
following the bloody 1980-88 conflict with Iran that left an
estimated one million people dead.

"A lot of medicine we can't import because of the embargo is
today made in Iraq," Ahmad said, pointing to the stacked shelves
of his small pharmacy.

A little further away, yet another statue, recently erected in the
middle of one of the capital's main roundabouts, is covered with
a dust sheet but no one is in any doubt about what it is: a figure
of Saddam will be unveiled during the birthday celebrations.

The facade of the Iraqi National Theatre is covered in posters
announcing the Saturday night premiere of the "Zabiba and the
King" epic, an adaptation of a novel attributed to the Iraqi leader.

"The birth of leader Saddam has been a Damocles' sword
handing over the heads of Jews and Americans," according to a
banner outside a restaurant opposite the theatre.

Iraqi authorities have this year granted visas to dozens of foreign
journalists, including several representing US television
channels, to cover the birthday celebrations.

The main party, attended by the Iraqi leadership, is scheduled to
be held Sunday in Takrit.

But Saddam himself is rarely seen at any of the myriad
occasions and usually has the media report that he celebrated
among school children at an undisclosed location.
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