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2002-04-10 07:10 MSK - Afghan drug trade remains unhindered

MOSCOW - The flow of illegal drugs from Afghanistan remains unhindered despite the ouster of the Taliban and change in government, the head of Russia's border guards said Tuesday. "We had hoped that that the success of the anti-Taliban campaign would result in the destruction of illegal drug production in Afghanistan," said Konstantin Totsky, director of Russia's Federal Border Service. "But as far as we can tell ... not a single factory has been destroyed." Totsky said Russian border guards patrolling the frontier between Tajikistan and Afghanistan seized 350 kilograms (770 pounds) of illegal narcotics during the first three months of this year. Of that amount, 310 kilograms (682 pounds) was heroin, he said. In 2001, border guards confiscated 5.4 tons (5.9 short tons) of illegal drugs, 2.5 tons (2.8 short tons) of it heroin, Totsky said. Russia has 25,000 border guards stationed in Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic that shares a 1,206 kilometer (744-mile) frontier with Afghanistan. Afghanistan is one of the world's biggest producers of opium and heroin. Interim Afghan leader Hamid Karzai has banned the growing of opium poppies, but it's not clear what effect, if any, the ban has had. "We have to help Afghan farmers return to their traditional forms of agriculture," Totsky said, calling the drug trade "a serious threat to the nations of the Central Asian region, Russia and European governments." -AP

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