
People's Daily (China)
April 26, 2002


Be Vigilant against 'New Empire Theory'
Recently, around the time when the US government
dished out the "Theory of Defeated Nations", External
Policy Advisor Robert Kubo of British Prime Minister
Tony Blair published in the British paper, Observer,
his fantastic talks, which advocate saving the world
with new imperialism. 

Exactly the same as past colonialism and imperialism
which needed to find an excuse for colonization and
aggression and expansion, modern power politics and
new interventionism also need a certain kind of
theoretical packing and the creation of public
opinion. This clamor for the self-styled "longing for
new empire", which puts a fashioned cloak on the mummy
of old colonialism and divides the world into three
types of country groups: The first type are "front
modern countries" composed of Somali, Afghanistan and
other former colonial countries; the second type are
"rear empires and rear modern countries" composed of
former colonizers; the third type are "traditional
countries" made up of China, India, Pakistan and some
other countries. In brief, the "new empire theory"
maintains that the defeated country group formed by
former colonies are the breeding grounds of turmoil
and threat, it stands for the use of the means of new
colonization, thinking it is acceptable for "rear
empire" to export stability and freedom abroad. 

The "new empire theory", based on colonialist concept
and logic, advocates that the rear modern country
group should be accustomed to double standards, i.e.,
they should guarantee security through law and
cooperation within themselves, whereas in dealing with
former colonial countries outside Europe, they should
adopt the previous century jungle law-force,
preemptive attack, deception, as well as any methods
needed for dealing with those countries still living
in the 19th century. Moreover, the "new empire theory"
lists many developing countries in the "defeated
countries" group that endanger world security and
stability, claiming that these countries have lost the
legality of using force. To give green light to new
imperialist military intervention, the "new empire
theory" gives farfetched footnotes that making Afghan
warfare serve as "defensive imperialism" is

The "new empire theory" sums up the European union as
"voluntary imperialism", asserting that the rear
modern European union has offered a "cooperative
empire" prospect, sticking the label "voluntary global
economic imperialism" on the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank. On the other hand, in order
to legalize the new empire group's intervention in the
affairs of nearby regions, the "new empire theory"
fabricates the concept of "neighboring country
imperialism". This theory is based on the war chaos
and instability of the Balkan region, thinking that
the rear modern country group not only should send out
peace-keeping and international protection forces, but
also should provide police, judges, chief wardens,
bankers, etc., at the same time, they should supervise
and organize election. To put it plainly, if only they
rely on the creed of "neighboring country
imperialism", the new empire group can more
unscrupulously interfere in the regional affairs of
neighboring countries, including even toppling the
regime of a country and changing its social system. 

Obviously, the essence of the "new empire theory" aims
to clear the way for power politics in the new age, it
runs counter to the trend of the establishment of a
just and reasonable international new political order.
If the hegemonic logic and jungle law featuring the
"new empire theory" is acted upon, the world will be
thrown into utter disorder, the norms of international
law centered on State sovereignty, territorial
integrity and national dignity will be wantonly
trampled upon, the unilateralism and new
interventionism pursued by certain countries and
country groups will be running wild. After the human
society entered into the 21st century wherein peace
and development are stressed, the fact that the
"defeated nation theory" and the "new empire theory"
echo each other should arouse the full vigilance of
the international community. 

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