
1,2) Two More US Planes Land At Black Sea Airport AS
Warplanes, Troops, Equipment Pour Into Bulgaria
3) Bulgaria: Frontline Of US Military Build-Up

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

Another two US planes landed in Sarafovo

The operation of transporting US military equipment
and people to Bulgaria Burgas airport continued on
Monday as two KC-10 Extender tanker jets landed there,
Bulgarian Info radio reported. 
The aircraft that took off from a New Jersey base
brought jet fuel, equipment and seventy combaters
[combat troops]. Thus the US contingent in Burgas,
some 390km east of Bulgaria's capital Sofia, already
numbers 200. Unloaded and refuelled, the tanker jets
left for the US the same day. 

The information center that US militaries equip at the
Burgas airport will be ready within a month. 

On February 7 Bulgaria's Parliament agreed to allow
the overflight and transit passage by US and allied
troops through Bulgaria in a possible war against Iraq
for a period of six months. The lawmakers also passed
a motion authorising the use of the air base in the
Burgas residential district of Sarafovo by the US -led

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

US aircraft arrive at Bulgaria's Black Sea airbase 
Source: The Times Of India

US aircraft arrived at a Bulgarian airbase near the
Black Sea town of Bourgas on Monday, as part of the
build-up of forces for a possible war on Iraq, a
Defence Ministry official said. The official told
Reuters two of the US aircraft that flew into the base
were refuelling planes. A third was carrying military
The official indicated more US planes may arrive in
the coming days. The base was used by US forces in
late 2001 during the US-led military campaign against

Bulgaria, grateful for US support in winning it a NATO
invitation last November, has offered Washington the
use of the Bourgas base in the event of a war.

It has also sanctioned the dispatch of 150 troops near
Iraq to tackle non-conventional warfare threats.

Washington, which accuses Baghdad of harbouring
weapons of mass destruction, has threatened to attack
Iraq if it does not disarm and warned time is fast
running out.

Bulgaria, once the Soviet Union's closest ally, is one
of the strongest supporters of the US position on Iraq
in the UN Security Council.

On Saturday, the parliament in neighbouring Turkey
narrowly blocked US troops from deploying in the
country -- a setback for Washington's plans for a
"northern front" against Iraq.

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

Bulgaria finds itself in the frontline of US military

On a beach by the grey waters of the Black sea, scores
of young American airmen are racing against the clock
to get ready for war. Surrounded by Kalashnikov-toting
Bulgarian military police, fenced in by red corrugated
iron, and shrouded by a pine grove, the men of the US
air force's 409th air expeditionary group are pioneers
in a mission that is reconfiguring decades of the US
military presence in Europe and redrawing Europe's
military map.

"We're in a rush," said Sergeant Jason Smith, just
arrived from Charleston in North Carolina. "Our main
role is to support the global war on terror. And we're
preparing for future operations."

Since last Tuesday night when two US Hercules
transport aircraft dropped out of the sky from
Ramstein base in Germany on to Bulgaria's Burgas
airport, 200 metres from the Americans' beachside
encampment, the airmen, many barely out of their
teens, have been working frantically to get Burgas fit
for the US war machine.

The battleship-grey transports - huge C-5 Galaxies,
C-141s and the C-130 Hercules - have been landing
almost every day over the past week, disgorging hot
dogs and Coke, computers and secure phone systems,
huge tarpaulins for a "tent city", showers and tanks
of water, and more troops and pilots.

Yesterday afternoon a brace of KC-10A Extender jets,
the biggest air tankers in the USAF, landed at Burgas
to play a key role in the campaign against Saddam
Hussein. The two tanker jets, capable of carrying more
than 160,000kg of fuel, are to be followed by at least
14 others.

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