
Reportedly, George W. Bush, still president of the USA, in
a recent speech among other things said - concerning quite
another country and quite another people than "his own" -
that Yassir Arafat, leader of the Palestinian people, "must
go", and even "be replaced by" someone "untainted by terror".

That Bushy certainly has got a weird sense of humour!

One would think that somebody who really did need to go, a
person hardly "tainted", but *painted all over* precisely
by terror, by the infamous action, to start with, of direc-
ting some passenger aircraft to be flown smack into the World
Trade Center Towers and into "his own" military command centre
the Pentagon, for good measure, killing over 3,000 of "his
own" people, that was none other than George W. Bush himself.

The big media of course have always presented a quite diffe-
rent story about who was responsible for *that*. But now
things have gone so far that the sparrows, so to speak, al-
ready are crying it out from the rooftops: Those responsible
precisely were the ruling persons in the USA.

And that's not the only terrorist action by which those
persons have "tainted" themselves lately, as all know. The
list of quite overt such crimes of theirs, against people
in other countries above all, is quite long.

Now of course, to take Bush out (to use the term he himself
is fond of, concerning leaders of some other countries),
that's the business and the direct responsibility of the
people in that country where he's based, the USA.

But we others at least should offer that people some solida-
rity and some help in that direction.

A certain leader of another country, a long-time dictator in
fact, had this quite sensible thing to say about such a ques-
tion, long before he himself did become a reactionary dicta-
tor and in fact as still a representative of the people in
that country, when it was still socialist - China, in 1974;
here's what the later traitor Deng Xiapoing said in a UN
speech then:

        "If one day China should change her colour and turn
        into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant
        in the world, and everywhere subject others to her
        bullying, aggression and exploitation, the people of
        the world should identify her as social-imperialism,
        expose it, oppose it and work together with the
        Chinese people to overthrow it."

Now of course the USA is not a social-imperialist superpower
but another of basically the same type, a "traditionally" im-
perialist one. And in the field of playing tyrant in the
world, and everywhere subjecting others to its bullying, ag-
gression and exploitation, it's no exaggeration to say, that
power today already has merited a place in the Guinness Book
of Records - not that this will help it in the long run.

Expose it (if still necessary), oppose it and work together
with the people in the USA, this the people of all other
countries undoubtely should do.

It's Bushy and his gang of terrorists and mass murderers that
must go! It's they, above all, who indeed need to be put be-
fore an international war crimes tribunal.

Rolf M.
Malmö, Sweden


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