
Leaders call on Israel to withdraw 
(04/18/2002) (China Daily)

China and Tunisia Wednesday called on Israel to undertake a
comprehensive withdrawal from Palestinian territories and for
implementation of relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Visiting President Jiang Zemin and Tunisian President Zine Al-Abidine
Ben Ali Wednesday said during their talks that both sides oppose
Israel's use of military force. 

The current Middle East situation was again touched upon in the
speeches by Jiang and Ben Ali at Wednesday's welcoming banquet. 

Jiang said that China is very much worried about the escalation of
violence and the deterioration of the tense Middle East situation, and
he said that China also condemns Israel's abuse of its military power
and the economic blockade of Palestine and the isolation of President
Yasser Arafat. 

China strongly urged Israel to immediately implement relevant
resolutions of the UN Security Council to withdraw troops from
Palestine, lift the blockade of Arafat's headquarters and resolve
disputes with Palestine through negotiations. 

Jiang said that China, as a permanent number of the UN Security
Council, is willing to make efforts together with Arabian countries to
ease the tensions so as to restore peace in the region at an early

Ben Ali called on the international community to take urgent and
decisive steps to protect the Palestinian people and see that their
legitimate rights are restored. 

On anti-terrorism, Ben Ali reiterated the call for a UN-sponsored
international conference to draft a code of conduct to guide the
struggle against terrorism and to address the root causes of terrorism.

During the early meeting with Ben Ali, Jiang stressed that with the
development of economic globlization, China and Tunisia should enhance
bilateral co-operation. 

Jiang put forward three suggestions on bilateral ties: increase
exchanges and contacts at all levels, especially high levels, between
the two sides; expand the channels of bilateral economic and trade
co-operation; and increase consultation and co-ordination between the
two sides in the international community so as to protect the rights of
developing countries. 

Agreeing with Jiang's suggestions, Ben Ali also said that Tunisia
admired the great achievements scored by China in its economic and
social development, noting that Tunisia is willing to learn from the
Chinese success in economic construction. 

Ben Ali said that China has made great contributions to the economic
development of Tunisia and that the Tunisian people thank China for its
assistance in the advancement of agriculture and infrastructure in
remote areas of Tunisia, which have improved the local living standard.

(China Daily by Hu Qihua)

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