
  Well, I'm just glad the BBC doesn't engage in propaganda and 
isn't state-run. 

On 19 Dec 01, at 10:18, Miroslav Antic wrote:

> ---------------------------
> Wednesday, 19 December, 2001, 10:12 GMT 
> Court throws out case against Nato
> One plaintiff (left) lost a son in the bombing
> The European Court of Human Rights has thrown out a case brought against
> Nato over the bombing of Belgrade's main TV station during the Kosovo
> conflict. 
> Six Yugoslav nationals had brought the case on behalf of the station's
> employees, saying the attack, which killed 16 people, was in breach of
> Europe's human rights charter. 
> Nato said Serbian state TV was a "ministry of lies"
> They argued that the air strikes were illegal under the charter, which
> governs the right to life and freedom of expression, and asked for
> compensation. 
> But the court declared the case inadmissible. 
> The lawyers for the 17 defendants - the European members of Nato - had
> argued that the human rights court did not have the right to judge
> because the bombing took place in a country which is not a signatory to
> the European Convention of Human Rights. 
> Christopher Greenwood, a British government lawyer arguing for the
> defendants, also stressed that the two Nato members that played a
> central role in the Kosovo campaign - the United States and Canada -
> were not named in the suit. 
> Propaganda war 
> On the night of 23 April 1999, Nato aircraft attacked the government-run
> studios of Radio Television Serbia (RTS) in Belgrade, in which those
> killed, most of them production workers, had been ordered to report for
> work. 
> The attack was part of Nato's air campaign to force the Yugoslav
> Government of former President Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw its forces
> from Kosovo. 
> At the time, Nato defended the air strike by saying the TV station was a
> legitimate target because of its role in what Nato called Belgrade's
> campaign of propaganda. 
>  The BBC's Alix Kroeger
> reports from Belgrade

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