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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Cuban president meets Vietnam's defence minister

Cuban President Fidel Castro on July 30 received Defence Minister Pham Van
Tra, who is leading a Vietnamese military delegation on an official visit to
Cuba at the invitation of General Raul Castro, second secretary of the
Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and minister of the armed forces.

President Castro welcomed the Cuba visit by Vietnam's high-level military
delegation, which takes place at the time when Cuba celebrates the 48th
anniversary of the offensive on Moncada barracks. He briefed the guests on
the Cuban people's current ideological struggle, particularly the meetings
involving a large number of people of all strata on the island.

The Cuban president spoke highly of the achievements recorded by the
Vietnamese people in economic development and national defence.

Senior Lieutenant General Tra conveyed the best regards from Party General
Secretary Nong DucManh, State President Tran Duc Luong and Prime Minister
Phan Van Khai to President Castro. He wished the Cuban people new and
greater successes in national construction and defence.

Mr Tra spoke of the Vietnamese people's economic achievements in recent
years as well as their determination to make the resolution passed by the
Ninth Party Congress a success in order to build Vietnam into a strong
country with a prosperous people and an equitable, democratic and civilised

He also expressed his admiration for the Cuban people's firm revolutionary
spirit and their important achievements in economic recovery.

The delegation held talks with a delegation of the Cuban Ministry of the
Armed Forces, led by General Raul Castro, during which both delegations
informed each other of their respective countries' political, economic and
military situation. They also discussed measures to increase the friendship
and co-operation between the two armies.

They also visited some military units and historical and cultural sites in
Cuba. (VNA)


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