

'"Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leader so that a
Palestinian state can be born," Bush declared' in tonight's speech (AP,
24 June 2002, 'Bush Mideast Policy Sets Tough Conditions Palestinians
May Be Unable to Meet').

Not surprising, 'Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office endorsed
Bush's approach, saying in a statement that "when the Palestinian
Authority undergoes genuine reforms and a new leadership takes its place
at its head ... it will be possible to discuss ways of moving forward by
diplomatic means"' (ibid.).

This whole approach has been in the works for a little while. As usual,
Sharon leaked it in advance...

'Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has urged the United States and other
nations to appoint an interim Palestinian government... established even
against the Palestinians' wishes, the Yediot Ahronot daily reported

'"The free world must force this government on the Palestinians," the
daily quoted him as saying' (AP, 16 May 2002, Sharon: the International
Community Must Appoint Interim Palestinian Government).

Let's take a closer look at this example of 'forced' democracy...

'Dozens of angry delegates walked out of Afghanistan's grand assembly on
Wednesday, saying they were not being consulted, as... [t]he Loya Jirga,
a traditional Afghan parliament, is expected to vote later on a new
president with Hamid Karzai, interim leader and favorite of the United
States, the sole candidate' (Reuters, 12 June 2002, 'Afghan Delegates
Walk Out in Protest Over Vote').

The 'sole candidate,' take note.


'Afghan President Hamid Karzai, facing a grand council that made little
progress in choosing the country's government, said Monday he will
select his own Cabinet and that time had run out for delegates to choose
a new parliament' (AP, 17 June 2002, Afghan leader says he will appoint
own Cabinet because loya jirga missed deadline).

Funny, the US considers this sort of thing a real no-no in Cuba...

Not in other places, though. Anyone remember Guatemala, 1954? Chile,
1973? Nicaragua in the '80s?

Here's the deal. Democracy doesn't exist.

Oh, sure, there's a spot of it here and maybe there, just like in good
old Rome -- but it's always smaller than the whole sum of people
involved in materially creating it.

We've got democracy for the manor but not for the field hands.

Democracy, meaning here the ideological facade in front of a particular
system of production relations, is always opposed to actually letting
its enemies get a vote, too; hell, this sort of truly inclusive
democracy just might vote itself (meaning that particular system of
production relations) right out of existence.

So we get these puppet 'democracies' all over the place. Latin America,
South Pacific, Africa, you name it, like big fat ugly mushrooms on a
rainy day.

Will this happen to the Palestinians, as well?

Personally, I doubt it. They seem to have a bit more spine than other
oppressed people preceding them in the struggle against colonialism.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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