
Estonia split over Nazi monument
Vahur Lauri in Tallinn
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

An organisation representing Estonian soldiers who supported Hitler during
the second world war said yesterday that it would unveil a monument next
week to honour them, reviving painful memories of Estonia's past.

The prime minister, Siim Kallas, condemned the move, which reflects
Estonia's struggle to come to terms with its tragic experience during the
1940s, when the tiny Baltic state was invaded by Germany and the Soviet

Supporters of the monument - featuring a man in an Estonian Waffen SS
uniform - say that it is meant to pay tribute to the soldiers' fight to stop
Stalin's tyranny by taking up arms with the Nazis on the Russian front.

An inscription says it is dedicated "to all Estonian servicemen who died in
the second war for the liberation of the fatherland and a free Europe in

The prime minister said that it could tarnish the country's image as it
seeks EU and Nato membership this year.

"It is regrettable that a monument with such text and strong expression
emerged," Mr Kallas told a press conference yesterday. "It will certainly
cause a lot of trouble in Estonia and abroad. I don't think government
members should attend the opening of this monument."

Estonia hopes that Nato's November summit in Prague will bring an invitation
for the country to become a member. It is also working to complete EU entry
talks by December so that it can join around 2004.

The municipal government of Parnu, the site of the monument, is expected to
meet this week to consider whether to ban it. An SS insignia had originally
been etched into the soldier's helmet, but was subsequently removed.

The Nazis occupied Estonia in 1941 after driving out the Soviets, who had
invaded the Baltic states the year before in a brutal occupation during
which tens of thousands were executed or shipped to Siberian camps.

Many in Estonia and neighbouring Latvia and Lithuania welcomed Germans as
liberators and were shocked when the Nazis began their own repression and
slaughter of Jews.

But Nazi hunters say some local people also helped carry out atrocities.
Earlier this month the Simon Wiesenthal Centre sent a list of alleged war
criminals to Estonian authorities, asking for assistance in tracking them

The Estonian security police announced yesterday they had found no evidence
that the 16 men, former members of a Nazi police battalion, attacked Jews.

"The security police have also found that none of the 16 people listed is in
Estonia at present," the police said in a statement.

When the Soviets began pushing back the Germans, many Estonians volunteered
to fight with the Nazis to prevent a second communist occupation. Others
were conscripted.

Jewish groups and several western governments, including the United States,
have urged Estonian officials to investigate Nazi crimes more aggressively
and to try any living suspects.

"Of course Europeans will not understand us," said Leo Tammiksaar, a history
enthusiast and private initiator of the monument. "We made this monument for
our soldiers and not for Brussels."

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