
AP. 2 May 2002. Colombian Rebels Bomb Train Carrying Coal From World's
Largest Open-Faced Coal Mine.

BOGOTA -- A rebel bomb derailed a coal train and damaged a stretch of
track, halting the transport of coal from one of the world's largest
open-face mine, the mine's operator said Thursday.

The attack Wednesday night derailed 20 cars of the loaded coal train,
Dow Jones Newswires reported.

The train carries 70,000 tons of coal daily between the mine and a

"Fortunately, the explosion didn't cause injuries, but it damaged a
stretch of the rail line," Intercor, the multinational operator of the
Cerrejon Zona Norte mine, said a statement.

Repairs to the tracks, which run from the mine in northern La Guajira
province to Puerto Bolivar on the Caribbean coast, will take about five

The mine is owned by the CZN consortium, made up of Glencore
International AG, of Switzerland; Anglo American PLC, of South Africa;
and BHP Billiton Ltd, of Australia.

With output last year of 19.4 million metric tons of coal, Cerrejon is
the world's largest operating open-faced coal mine, its operator says.

In a radio interview, army Gen. Gabriel Diaz blamed the attack on the
country's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia, or FARC.

The FARC, which raises money by producing cocaine [read: taxes coca
agriculture much as the Bush administration taxes abortion clinics],
kidnapping and extortion [read: expropriating the rich every chance they
get], has stepped up attacks on the country's infrastructure.

The Bush administration says it wants to expand military aid to this
beleaguered South American nation beyond counternarcotics assistance,
including training an army brigade to protect an oil pipeline that has
been frequently sabotaged by the rebels.

Colombia's 38-year war pits the U.S.-backed military and an outlawed
right-wing paramilitary group [note the implied alliance] against the
FARC and a smaller rebel faction.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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