
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 13:12
To: jonathan
Subject: Fw: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ayo Obisanya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Antia Daniel"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Ayo Awe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Martin Biyo'o
Mveng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Kofi Amegashie"
Sent: 15 April 2002 08:04
Subject: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

> Subject: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers
> 22:38 12/04/2002Last update - 00:36 13/04/2002
> Mbeki: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers
> By Reuters
> CAPE TOWN - Israel is repeating the mistakes of South Africa's apartheid
> rulers in its effort to crush a popular rebellion, South African President
> Thabo Mbeki said on Friday.
> Mbeki said in a weekly online letter that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was
> wrong to demand an end to Palestinian violence as a pre-condition for
> South Africa has consistently criticized Israel's handling of the crisis,
> but Mbeki said he was equally concerned about the rights and the losses of
> both Israelis and Palestinians.
> "When we call for respect for life, we must state firmly that we refer
> to Israelis and Palestinians," he said.
> "However...we must proceed from the concrete reality that the Israelis
> their own independent state and homeland. The Palestinians do not."
> Israeli forces launched a military offensive in the West Bank two weeks
> to try to crush Palestinian militants blamed for a series of suicide
> that killed dozens of Israelis.
> Mbeki said South Africa's own experience, in which tens of thousands of
> people died in the uprising against white minority rule, had shown that an
> oppressed people fought because they had "nothing to lose but their
> servitude", not because they were told to fight.
> South Africa's white rulers, who negotiated themselves out of power
> 1990 and 1994, fought for 30 years to maintain their exclusive hold on
> power.
> Police and government agents shot protesters, assassinated civic leaders,
> jailed activists and banished high-profile opponents in a bid to break the
> uprising that eventually forced them into talks.
> "The rulers of Israel are repeating the costly mistakes made by the
> of apartheid in our country," Mbeki said.
> "Everything that has happened in the Palestinian territories in almost two
> years says, in action, that the Palestinians and especially the youth are
> ready to march against tanks and armoured cars because it is no longer
> possible for them to live as a dispossessed people.
> "The attempt to search and destroy so-called agitators and terrorists in
> their midst, in the belief that these are the instigators of the
> without whom the rebellion would cease, is to live in worse than a fool's
> paradise," he said.
> Welcoming U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's peace mission, he said
> leaders of both the people of Israel and Palestine have a common
> responsibility to take advantage of the presence of the Secretary of State
> to break the chain of violence."
> Powell, on a Middle East peace mission, is due to hold talks with
> Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on Saturday at Arafat's
> in Ramallah, besieged by Israeli forces.
> *****************************************************


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