The war has started 
By Robert Fox, Defence Correspondent and David Taylor, Evening Standard 
19 March 2003 
British and American troops were involved in fierce fighting near Iraqi's main port 
today as the war to topple Saddam Hussein began. 
Look here too!

* The Allies' battle plan 
* Saddam's options for counter-attack 
* Full coverage of the crisis 

The firefight broke out near Basra as men of the Special Boat Service targeted the 
strategically vital city and the oilfields in southern Iraq. 
At the same time allied troops were flooding into the demilitarised zone on the Iraqi 
border with Kuwait 40 miles away to take up positions for an all-out invasion. 

Cruise missiles were also loaded onto B52 bombers at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, 
a clear sign that the bombardment of Baghdad could be only hours away. 
British troops taking up "forward battle positions" were ordered to switch off 
satellite phones and allied warplanes bombed targets in Iraq after coming under fire 
in the no-fly zone. 
By lunchtime, allied forces were in position to strike from the moment the 48-hour 
deadline set by President Bush for Saddam to quit Iraq expires at 1am British time 
tomorrow. But the White House had refused to rule out a strike before that. 
The fighting reported at Basra was believed to involve British special forces and US 
marines in an operation to prepare landing sites for amphibious craft during an 
Other special units were deep inside Iraq on secret operations to prepare landing 
strips in the desert for airborne troops. 
Basra, Iraq's only seaport, lies on the Shatt al Arab waterway where the Tigris and 
the Euphrates open into the northern Gulf. 
Surrounded by treacherous sandbanks and marshes it is difficult to approach from the 
Artillery, infantry and the tanks of the 7th Armoured Brigade had already moved into 
Forming Up Positions, and some were already on the start line. 
An attack could target Basra and proceed up alongside the Euphrates towards the 
strategic cities of Nasariya, Najaf and Karbala. 
Tony Blair said he believed all MPs, irrespective of their views on the war, now 
wished British troops well. 
"I know everyone in this House wishes our Armed Forces well," he said in the Commons. 
A sandstorm whipped across northern Kuwait as the pace of preparations suddenly 
quickened Kuwaiti security sources disclosed that allied troops move into the 
demilitarised zone, which straddles the Iraq-Kuwait border, at around 11am local time, 
8am UK time. 
The source, working in the Umm Qasr area in the east of the zone, said: "American 
convoys are still driving towards Umm Qasr." 
A US military spokesman said he could not confirm or deny that troops were inside the 
A British Army spokesman said only that soldiers had taken up " forward battle 
At Fairford, 14 giant American B52 bombers which will lead the fight against Saddam 
were loaded up with cruise missiles this morning. 
The first flight of B52s were expected to take off two hours before sunset to give 
them enough flying time to identify their targets and drop their first devastating 
payload before heading for home. 
The missiles were driven to the aircraft in five articulated lorries escorted by 
police at 10.30am. 
Troops meticulously loaded the weapons - each costing around £1million - into the bomb 
bays by forklift truck. 
With an estimated flight time of only six hours to Iraq the bombers are expected to 
play a huge part in the initial air bombardment. A single B52 can deliver a payload of 
more than 70,000lb at a range of 8,800 miles without being refuelled. They are likely 
to take up positions over the Mediterranean or the Red Sea to unleash cruise missiles 
or satelliteguided smart bombs. RAF Tornados, Harriers and Jaguars are also likely to 
be involved in the opening 48-hour offensive. 
The Tornados will be given the specific task of taking out air defences and barracks 
round small missile batteries and air strips in the Iraqi desert. 
This will enable the enemy positions to be quickly seized by airborne forces and 
turned into bases for the advancing allied armies. 
The Harrier force of up to 20 planes has the job of supporting special forces, the SAS 
and Special Boat Service and American Rangers in the hunt for Scud missile sites and 
any artillery shells with chemical warheads. Intelligence suggests Saddam has given 
his generals personal authority to unleash the deadly weapons as a last desperate 
measure to hold the Allies off from attacking Baghdad. 
The mainstay of the bombing attack will be the 750 American and British fighter 
bombers from Gulf bases and the six American aircraft carriers now at battle stations 
in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Sea. 
The aircraft, including RAF Tornados and Harriers, F16s, F15s and F18 Hornets will 
work on a "taxi rank" basis, forming ranks in the air before being sent in on targets. 
Along with the B52s from Fairford, other longrange bombers include the almost mythical 
B2 Spirit bat-wing supersonic aircraft which will fly from bases on Diego Garcia. Also 
spearheading the attack will be B1B Lancer and F117 Stealth bombers. 
Action began in the air today as warplanes from the USS Abraham Lincoln bombed Iraqi 
positions after coalition aircraft - including two RAF Harrier jets - were fired on by 
Iraqi forces. 
"There were, yesterday, four firings against our aircraft flying in the southern 
no-fly zone," Rear Admiral John Kelly told reporters on board the Lincoln. He said US 
forces had responded by bombing "a series of targets" he described as "command and 
control" positions. 
More on this story

Reports claim Tariq Aziz has fled Baghdad 
By Patrick Hennessy, Deputy Political Editor, Evening Standard 
19 March 2003 
Britain is urgently checking reports that Iraqi deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz has 
fled Baghdad, Foreign Office minister Mike O'Brien said today. 
Mr O'Brien told MPs the Foreign Office was aware of "rumours" about the possible 
defection of Saddam's number two, but had "no information" to substantiate them. 
The reports are thought to have originated in Bulgaria. They follow earlier claims, 
now discounted, that Aziz had been executed. 

Aziz is a key figure in the regime as its highest-ranking Christian. He is often used 
as a spokesman for the Iraqi government on western television. 
Any confirmed move to defect would be hailed as a massive prize for the Allies and 
would be seen as the clearest possible evidence that Saddam's regime is starting to 
Reports of Aziz's possible flight were raised in the Commons by Labour MP Ann Clwyd, 
an expert on the Kurds of northern Iraq. 

Bahrain offers Saddam safe haven 
19 March 2003 
US ally Bahrain has offered sanctuary to Saddam Hussein in a last-ditch bid to avert 
war, Bahrain's official BNA news agency has reported. 

The agency did not say whether King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's offer had been relayed 
directly to Saddam. Bahraini officials could not immediately be reached for comment. 

"The Bahraini ruler said Bahrain is ready to host Iraqi President Saddam Hussein if he 
wants to reside there with all dignity," the agency said. 
"The king said this initiative from Bahrain came as part of its national 
responsibility to preserve regional security and stability and assure that the region 
lived in peace, in addition to sparing Iraq and its brotherly people war," it added. 

Saddam has previously vowed to fight rather than flee. 

Bahrain backed an earlier call from the United Arab Emirates asking Saddam to step 
down to spare his people war. 

Bahrain is closely allied to the United States. It hosts onshore offices for the 
Navy's 5th Fleet, which has aircraft carriers, destroyers and other ships stationed in 
the Gulf and Arabian Sea in preparation for war on Iraq. 


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