

by Stan Goff

I'm a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant.  That doesn't cut much for
those who will only accept the opinions of former officers on military
matters, since we enlisted swine are assumed to be incapable of grasping the
nuances of doctrine.

But I wasn't just in the army, I studied and taught military science and
doctrine.  I was a tactics instructor at the Jungle Operations Training
Center in Panama, and I taught Military Science at West Point.  And contrary
to the popular image of what Special Forces does, SF's mission is to teach.
We offer advice and assistance to foreign forces.  That's everything from
teaching marksmanship to a private to instructing a Battalion staff on how
to coordinate effective air operations with a sister service.

Based on that experience, and operations in eight designated conflict areas
from Vietnam to Haiti, I have to say that the story we hear on the news and
read in the newspapers is simply not believable.  The most cursory glance at
the verifiable facts, before, during, and after September 11th, does 'not'
support the official line or conform to the current actions of the United
States government.

But the official line only works if they can get everyone to accept its
underlying premises.  I'm not at all surprised about the Republican and
Democratic Parties repeating these premises.  They are simply two factions
within a single dominant political class, and both are financed by the same
economic powerhouses.  My biggest disappointment, as someone who identifies
himself with the left, has been the tacit acceptance of those premises by
others on the left, sometimes naively,and sometimes to score some morality
points.  Those premises are twofold.  One, there is the premise that what
this de facto administration is doing now is a "response" to September 11th.
Two, there is the premise that this attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon was done by people based in Afghanistan.  In my opinion, neither of
these is sound.

To put this in perspective we have to go back not to September 11th, but to
last year or further.

A man of limited intelligence, George W.  Bush, with nothing more than his
name and the behind-the-scenes pressure of his powerful father-a former
President, ex-director of Central Intelligence, and an oil man-is
systematically constructed as a candidate, at tremendous cost.

Across the country, subtle and not-so-subtle mechanisms are put into place
to disfranchise a significant fraction of the Democrat's African-American
voter base.  This doesn't come out until Florida becomes a battleground for
Electoral College votes, and the magnitude of the story has been suppressed
by the corporate media to this day.

In a decision so lacking in legitimacy, the Supreme Court will neither
by-line the author of the decision nor allow the decision to ever be used as
a precedent, Bush v.  Gore awards the presidency of the United States to a
man who loses the popular vote in Florida and loses the national popular
vote by over 600,000.

This de facto regime then organizes a very interesting cabinet.  The Vice
President is an oil executive and the former Secretary of Defense.  The
National Security Advisor is a director on the board of a transnational oil
corporation and a Russia scholar.  The Secretary of State is a man with no
diplomatic experience whatsoever, and the former Chair of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.  The other interesting appointment is Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary
of Defense.  Rumsfeld is the former CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals.  He and
Cheney were featured as speakers at the May, 2000, Russian-American Business
Leaders Forum. So the consistent currents in this cabinet are petroleum, the

former Soviet Union, and the military.

Based on the record of Daddy Bush, in all his guises, and the general
trajectory of US foreign policy as far back as the Carter Administration, I
feel I can reasonably conclude that Middle Eastern and South Asian fossil
fuels are one of their major preoccupations.

Not just because this klavern has some very direct financial interests in
fossil fuel, but because they surely know that worldwide oil production is
peaking as we speak, and will soon begin a permanent and precipitous decline
that will completely change the character of civilization as we know it
within 20 years.  Even the left seems to be in deep denial about this, but
the math is available.  And, no, alternative energies and energy
technologies will not save us.  All the alternatives in the world can not
begin to provide more than a tiny fraction of the energy base now provided
by oil.  This makes it more than a resource, and the drive to control what's
left more than an economic competition.

I further conclude that the economic colonization of the former Soviet Union
is probably high on that agenda, and in fact has a powerful synergy with the
issue of petroleum.  Russia not only holds vast untapped resources that
beckon to imperialism in crisis, it remains a credible military and nuclear
challenger in the region.

( We have not one, but three members of the Bush de facto cabinet with
military credentials, which makes the cabinet look quite a lot like a
military General Staff).  All this way 'before September 11th. Then there's
the subject of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO might have
expected consignment to the dustbin of the Cold War after the Eastern Bloc
shattered in 1991.  Peace dividend and all that. But it didn't.  It expanded
directly into the former states of the Eastern Bloc toward the former Soviet
Union, and contributed significant forces to the devastation of Iraq-a key
country in the world oil market, over which control translates into the
ability to manipulate oil prices.

NATO is a military formation, and the United States exerts the controlling
interest in it.  It seemed like a form without a function, but it remedied
that pretty quickly.

Then when Yugoslavia refused to play ball with the International Monetary
Fund, the US and Germany began a systematic campaign of destabilization
there, even using some of the veterans of Afghanistan in that campaign.
NATO became the military arm of that agenda-the break-up of Yugoslavia into
compliant statelets, the further containment of the former Soviet Union, and
the future pipeline easement for Caspain Sea oil to Western European markets
through Kosovo.

You see, 'this is important to understand', and people-even those against
the war talk-'are tending to overlook the significance of it'.
NATO is not a guarantor of international law, and it is not a humanitarian
organization.  'It is a military alliance' with one very dominant partner.
And it can no longer claim to be a defensive alliance against European
socialists.  'It is an instrument of military aggression'.

NATO is the organization that is now going to thrust further along the 40th
parallel from the Balkans through the Southern Asian Republics of the former
Soviet Union.  The US military has already taken control of a base in
Uzbekistan.  No one is talking about how what we are doing seems to be a
very logical extension of a strategy that was already in motion, and has
been in motion for two decades.  Once we recognize the pattern of activity
designed to simultaneously consolidate control over Middle Eastern and South
Asian oil, and contain and colonize the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan is
exactly where they need to go to pursue that agenda.

Afghanistan borders Iran, India, and even China but, more importantly, the
Central Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan
and Tajikistan.  These border Kazakhstan.  Kazakhstan borders Russia.
Turkmenistan sits on the Southeastern quadrant of the Caspian Sea, whose oil
the Bush Administration dearly covets. Afghanistan is necessary for two
things: as a base of operations to begin the process of destabilizing,
breaking off, and establishing control over the South Asian Republics, which
will begin within the next 18-24 months in my opinion, and constructing a
pipeline through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to deliver
petroleum to the Asian market.

The BBC was recently told by Niaz Naik, a Pakistani Foreign Secretary, that
senior American officials were warning them as early as mid-July that
military action for mid-October was being planned for Afghanistan.  In 1996,
the Department of Energy was issuing reports on the desirability of a
pipeline through Afghanistan, and in 1998, Unocal testified before the House
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific that this pipeline was crucial to
transport Caspian Basin oil to the Indian Ocean.

Given this evidence that a military operation to secure at least a portion
of Afghanistan has been on the table, possibly as early as five years ago, I
can't help but conclude that the actions we are seeing put into motion now
are part of a pre-September 11th agenda. I'm absolutely sure of that, in
fact.  The planning alone for operations, of this scale, that are now taking
shape, would take many months.  And we are seeing them take shape in mere

It defies common sense.  This administration is lying about this whole thing
being a "reaction" to September 11th.  That leads me, in short order, to be
very suspicious of their yet-to-be-provided evidence that someone in
Afghanistan is responsible.  It's just too damn convenient.
Which also leads me to wonder-just for the sake of knowing-what actually did
happen on September 11th, and who actually is responsible.

The so-called evidence is a farce.  The US presented Tony Blair's puppet
government with the evidence, and of the 70 so-called points of evidence,
only nine even referred to the attacks on the World Trade Center, and those
points were conjectural.  This is a bullshit story from beginning to end.
Presented with the available facts, any 16-year old with a liking for
courtroom dramas could tear this story apart like a two-dollar shirt.  But
our corporate press regurgitates it uncritically.  But then, as we should
know by now, their role is to legitimize.

This cartoon heavy they've turned bin Laden into makes no sense, when you
begin to appreciate the complexity and synchronicity of the attacks.  As a
former military person who's been involved in the development of countless
operations orders over the years, I can tell you that this was a very
sophisticated and costly enterprise that would have left what we call a huge

In other words, it would be very hard to effectively conceal. So there's a
real question about why there was no warning of this. That can be a question
about the efficacy of the government's intelligence apparatus.  That can be
a question about various policies in the various agencies that had to be
duped to orchestrate this action.  And it can also be a question about
whether or not there was foreknowledge of the event, and that foreknowledge
is being covered up.  To dismiss this concern out of hand as the rantings of
conspiracy nuts is premature.  And there is a history of this kind of thing
being done by national political bosses, including the darling of liberals,
Franklin Roosevelt.  The evidence is very compelling that the Roosevelt
Administration deliberately failed to act to stop Pearl Harbor in order to
mobilize enough national anger to enter the World War II. I have no idea why
people aren't asking some very specific questions about the actions of Bush
and company on the day of the attacks.
Follow along:

Four planes get hijacked and deviate from their flight plans, all the while
on FAA radar.  The planes are all hijacked between 7:45 and 8:10 AM Eastern
Daylight Time. Who is notified?

This is an event already that is unprecedented.  But the President is not
notified and going to a Florida elementary school to hear children read.

By around 8:15 AM, it should be very apparent that something is terribly
wrong.  The President is glad-handing teachers. By 8:45, when American
Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Center, Bush is settling in
with children for his photo ops at Booker Elementary.  Four planes have
obviously been hijacked simultaneously, an event never before seen in
history, and one has just dived into the worlds best know twin towers, and
still no one notifies the nominal Commander in Chief.

No one has apparently scrambled any Air Force interceptors either. At 9:03,
United Flight 175 crashes into the remaining World Trade Center building.
At 9:05, Andrew Card, the Presidential Chief of Staff whispers to George W.
Bush.  Bush "briefly turns somber" according to reporters.

Does he cancel the school visit and convene an emergency meeting?  No. He
resumes listening to second graders read about a little girl's pet fucking
goat, and continues this banality even as American Airlines Flight 77
conducts an unscheduled point turn over Ohio and heads in the direction of
Washington DC.

Has he instructed Chief of Staff Card to scramble the Air Force?  No. An
excruciating 25 minutes later, he finally deigns to give a public statement
telling the United States what they already have figured out; that there's
been an attack by hijacked planes on the World Trade Center.

There's a hijacked plane bee-lining to Washington, but has the Air Force
been scrambled to defend anything yet?  No. At 9:30, when he makes his
announcement, American Flight 77 is still ten minutes from its target, the

The Administration will later claim they had no way of knowing that the
Pentagon might be a target, and that they thought Flight 77 was headed to
the White House, but the fact is that the plane has already flown South and
past the White House no-fly zone, and is in fact tearing through the sky at
over 400 nauts.

At 9:35, this plane conducts another turn, 360 degrees over the Pentagon,
all the while being tracked by radar, and the Pentagon is not evacuated, and
there are still no fast-movers from the Air Force in the sky over Alexandria
and DC.

Now, the real kicker.  A pilot they want us to believe was trained at a
Florida puddle-jumper school for Piper Cubs and Cessnas, conducts a
well-controlled downward spiral, descending the last 7,000 feet in
two-and-a-half minutes, brings the plane in so low and flat that it clips
the electrical wires across the street from the Pentagon, and flies it with
pinpoint accuracy into the side of this building at 460 nauts.

When the theory about learning to fly this well at the puddle-jumper school
began to lose ground, it was added that they received further training on a
flight simulator.

This is like saying you prepared your teenager for her first drive on I-40
at rush hour by buying her a video driving game.  It's horse shit!
There is a story being constructed about these events.  My crystal ball is
not working today, so I can't say why.

But at the least, this so-called Commander-in-Chief and his staff that we
are all supposed to follow blindly into some ill-defined war on terrorism is
criminally negligent or unspeakably stupid.  And at the worst, if more is
known or was known, and there is an effort to conceal the facts, there is a
criminal conspiracy going on. Certainly, the Bush de facto administration
was facing a confluence of crises from which they were temporarily rescued
by this event. Whether they played a sinister role or not, there is little
doubt that they have at the very least opportunistically pounced on this
attack to overcome their lack of legitimacy, to shift the blame for the
encroaching recession from capitalism to the September 11th terror attack,
to legitimize their pre-existing foreign policy agenda, and to establish and
consolidate repressive measures domestically and silence dissent.  In many
ways, September 11th pulled the Bush cookies out of the fire.

And given them the green light to begin constructing a long-term scenario
within which to establish fascistic control measures at home and abroad as a
citadel for the ruling class in the catastrophic conjuncture that we are
entering based on the end of oil.

This elephant in the living room is being studiously ignored.  In fact, the
domestic repression has already begun, officially and unofficially.  It's ki
nd of a latter day McCarthyism.  I participated in a teach-in at Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, on the 17th of September, and though not a single
person on the panel excused or justified the attacks, and every person there
offered either condolences and prayers for the victims, we were excoriated
within two days as "enemies of America." Yesterday an op-ed called for my
deportation (to where, one can only guess).  Now Herr Ashcroft is fast
tracking the biggest abrogation of US civil liberties since the so-called
anti-terrorism legislation after the Oklahoma City bombing-which by the way
hasn't resulted in anti-terrorism but in the acceleration of the application
of the racist death penalty.  The FBI has defined terrorist groups not by
whether any given group has ever acted as terrorists, but by their beliefs.
Some socialists and anti-globalization groups have already been identified
by name as terrorist groups, even though there is not a single shred of
evidence that they have ever participated in any criminal activity.  It
reminds me of the Smith Act that was finally declared constitutional, but
only after a hell of a lot of people served a hell of a long time in jail
for the crime of thinking.

I think this also points to yet another huge problems that the Bush regime
was facing.  Worldwide resistance to the whole so-called neoliberal agenda,
which is a prettied up term for debt-leverage imperialism.  While debt and
the threat of sanctions has been used to coerce nations in the periphery, we
have to understand that the final guarantor of compliance remains military
action.  For a global economic agenda, there is always a corresponding
political and military agenda.

The focal point of these actions in the short term is Southern Asia, but
they have already scripted this as a worldwide and protracted fight against
terrorism.  It's far better than drug wars as a rationalization, and the
drug war thing was being discredited in any case.  Leftists are regaining
power and popularity in Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador,
Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, and Argentina.  Cuba has
gained immense prestige over the last few years.  The empire is beginning to
unravel.  We can hardly justify intervention in these places by saying they
are not towing the economic line by allowing the absolute domination of
their societies by transnational corporations.  That exposes the agenda.  So
we simply claim they are supporting terrorism.

It's for all these reasons I say the left has missed the boat on this one,
by allowing them to get away with rushing past the question of who did what
on September 11th.  If the official story is a lie, and I think the
circumstantial case is strong enough to stay with this question, then we
really do need to know what happened.  And we need to understand concretely
what the motives of this administration are. And we need to understand more
than just their immediate motives, but where the larger social forces that
underwrite our situation right now are headed.
I do not think this administration is engaged in the deliberative process of
a political grouping that is on top of their game.  They are putting
together some very deliberative technical solutions in response to a larger
situation that it slipping rapidly out of their control.  Like clear
cutting.  There's a very smart technology being employed to do a very dumb

What they are responding to is not September 11th, but the beginning of a
permanent and precipitous decline in worldwide oil production, the beginning
of a deep and protracted worldwide recession, and the unraveling of the

This brings me to a point about what all this means for Americans' security,
which they are perfectly justified to worry about.  The actions being
prepared by this administration will not only not enhance our security, it
will significantly degrade it.  Military action against many groups across
the globe, which is what the administration is telling us quite openly they
are planning to do, will put a lot of backs against the wall.  That can't be
very secure. The concept of war being touted here is a violation of the
principles of war on several counts, and will inevitably lead to military
catastrophes, if you're inclined to view this from a position of moral and
political neutrality.

And the people who are now in possession of half the world's remaining oil
reserves are subject to destabilization for which we can't even pretend to
predict the consequences-but loss of access to critical energy supplies is
certainly within the realm of possibility.  Worst of all, we will be
destabilizing Pakistan, a nuclear power in an active conflict with its
neighbor, and we will be provoking Russia, another nuclear power.  The
security stakes don't get any higher, and Americans can ill afford to ignore

And I think that this domestic agenda is a tremendous threat to the security
of anyone who is critical of the government or their corporate financiers,
and we already know that the real threats are against populations that can
easily be scapegoated as the domestic crisis deepens.  There is a very real
threat right now of creeping fascism in this country, and that phenomenon
requires its domestic enemies. Historically those enemies have included
leftists, trade unionists, and racially and nationally oppressed sectors.
This whole "state of emergency" mentality is already being used to quiet the
public discourses of anti-racism, of feminism, of environmentalism, and of
both socialism and anarchism.  And while there is token resistance by
officials to anti-Muslim xenophobia, the stereotypical images have saturated
the media, and the government is already beginning to openly re-instate
racial profiling.  It is only a short step from there to go after other
groups.  We have long been prepared by the ideologies of overt and covert
racism, and racism as both institution and corresponding psychology in the
United States is nearly intractable.

It's for all these reason, I say emphatically that we can not accept
anything from this administration; not their policies nor their bullshit
stories.  What they are doing is very, very dangerous, and the time to fight
back against them, openly, is right now, before they can consolidate their
power and their agenda.  Once they have done that, our job becomes much more

The left, if it has the capacity to self-organize out of its oblivion, needs
to understand its critical roles here.  We have to play the role of
credible, hard-working, and non-sectarian partners in a broader
peace-movement.  We have to study, synthesize, and describe our current
historical conjuncture.  And we have to prepare leadership for the decisive
conflict that will emerge to first defeat fascism then take political power.

Rosa Luxemburg's words are truer than ever right now.  We are not faced with
a choice between socialism and capitalism, but socialism or barbarism.  And
what we can least afford are denial and timidity.

Stan Goff

Media analysis, critiques and news reports

Newsweek: Hail to the Chief

November 30, 2001

If there's a propaganda hall of fame, Newsweek has surely earned a place in
it with its interview with George W. and Laura Bush (12/3/01).

Written by Newsweek senior editor Howard Fineman and White House
correspondent Martha Brant, the profile of the Bushes focuses relentlessly
positive attention on the "First Couple's" emotional responses to the
September 11 attacks.  New details about atrocities by U.S.-backed forces in
Afghanistan are emerging daily, but the central question in the Newsweek
exclusive was: "From where does George W. Bush-- or Laura, for that matter--
draw the strength for this grand mission, the ambitious aim of which is
nothing less than to 'rid the world of evildoers'?"

Faith, prayer, and love of family are the article's main themes, with almost
no space devoted to political questions. "The First Team has been exemplary
in the eyes of the American people," declared Newsweek. Bush "has been a
model of unblinking, eyes-on-the-prize decisiveness. His basic military
strategy... has proved astute. He has been eloquent in public, commanding in
private. He had survived the first blows, made the right calls and exceeded
expectations-- again."

Bush isn't just a man of the mind, though. "Another source of strength,"
noted the magazine, "is physical conditioning." According to Newsweek, Bush
"is in the best shape of his life, a fighting machine who has dropped 15
pounds and cut his time in the mile to seven minutes.... He feels destined
to win-- and to serve."

The magazine was also thorough in addressing-- and dismissing-- facts about
Bush that might be perceived as flaws. The president doesn't read many
books, Newsweek explained, because "he's busy making history, but doesn't
look back at his own, or the world's.... Bush would rather look forward than
backward. It's the way he's built."

The toughest questions were philosophical. "Do you think that Saddam Hussein
is evil and that we should expand this to Iraq?," asked Newsweek. Noting
that Bush answered without using the word evil, the magazine followed up
with, "Why wouldn't you say he's evil then?", to which Bush replied simply:
"He ain't good." Showing a diligence unmatched elsewhere in the interview,
the reporters asked once again why he stopped short of using the word. A
beleaguered Bush gave in, saying, "maybe because you're trying to force me
to say it, and I'm stubborn.... He is evil. Saddam's evil."

Newsweek says that the White House spin machine had nothing to do with their
portrayal of Bush. In this interview, wrote Newsweek, "there were few
mangled sentences. The handlers at the table were listening, not handling."
Maybe that's because Newsweek was doing their job for them.

In times of war and crisis, it is doubly important that media aggressively
seek truth and report it to the public. For a major newsweekly to turn an
exclusive interview with the president into a puff piece would be
disappointing under any circumstances, but it is particularly so at a time
when the U.S. government is taking extreme measures to cloak controversial
military and law enforcement actions in secrecy, both at home and abroad.

ACTION: Please ask Newsweek to provide critical and independent coverage of
the Bush administration.

Washington Bureau
Phone: (202) 626-2000
Fax: (202) 626-2011

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